British Railroad Gun
Ramming home shell in this big cannon, which has special railway
Search Lights
Mobile anti-aircraft searchlights, with 24-inch lenses, in operation
by the Engineer Corps, Washington Barracks, Washington, D. C.
Searching a Prisoner
American intelligence officers relieving a captured German of papers
of military value.
The Sharpshooter
A team of American doughboys holding an outpost in Alsace with a
French machine gun.
In the Shadow of the
Soldiers wounded in action receiving medical treatment, in an old
church near Neuville, Meuse.
A Silhouette at Verdun
American engineers on the banks of the Aire River at work upon a
temporary bridge "Somewhere in the Argonne" northwest
of Verdun.
Shelling the Road
Boche shells bursting above a road in the Argonne in an attempt
to interrupt the march of American field artillery.
The Smoke Screen
American infantrymen advancing in the attack behind an artillery
smoke barrage.
Signalling an Aeroplane
A detachment communicating by white cloths with an aviator overhead.
Testing the Wires
A Signal Corps officer experimenting with telephone apparatus left
behind the enemy.