
Photos from the Field

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Planes on the Line
Pest of France
The Pest of France
A member of the 117th Infantry waging war on our second greatest enemy in Europe -- "the cooties."
Phosphorus Fire
Ships on the Line
Scores of planes drawn up in parallel formation upon the day of the armistice, November 11, 1918.
The Phosphorus Bomb
An explosion in the trenches during a night attack by the Germans.
Sniper Picking off Germans
Prisoner Pen
Picking Off the "Huns"
Sharpshooter of the 30th Division, from behind a parapet of sod and debris, singles out targets for his rifle.
In the Prison Pens
Hundreds of German prisoners, captured by the 30th Division, herded in a barbed wire stockade behind the lines.
Pursued Balloon
Searching Prisoners
30th Division "doughboys" hunting souvenirs on Germans a few hundred yards behind the line.
German shells exploding about an American observation balloon on the French front.
Road to the Front
On the Road to the Front
Yankee troops back of Verdun boarding motor trucks bound for the Argonne battle front.
Yankee riflemen in a "nest," picking off German soldiers on the outer edges of Villers, France.
Troops at Rest in Camp Roll Call
At a Rest Camp
An outdoor entertainment at Aix-les-Bains for the benefit of American soldiers who are enjoying a respite from trench life.
Roll Call


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