
Photos from the Field

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An Observation Post
On Montfaucon Hill two American artillery observers diret the fire of their battery's guns.
The Cathedral at St. Quentin
In the wake of the Hun invaders.  The destrution wrought on the cathedral is typical of the Hun vandals.
German Strong Point
A German Strong Point
These concrete shelters, built the entire length of the Hindenburg Line, made it difficult to dislodge the Germans.
A Sunken Road
These dugouts were captured from the Boches in fall campaign of 1918.  Notice sandbags for protection.
Stalking the Enemy
Tommy Fed Soldiers
Stalking the "Hun"
American raiding party making its way to a Mechlinburg trench, captured in a former raid.
How "Tommy" Is Fed
Hot stew is being served in buckets to these soldiers in the front line trenches.
Walking along the trail
War's Devastation
The Trail to the Front
Slightly wounded Americans returning on foot to the ambulances in the rear.  This picture illustrates the character of the ground over which Americans fought.
War's Devastation
Remnant of a once beautiful grove near the village of Pozieres, France.
Winged Plane
Y in Action
Photograph of Boche plane by French aviator, who brought it to earth after battle.
The "Y" in Action
Women workers at the front serving hot chocolate to soldiers near St. Eugene, France.


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This page was last updated January 2, 2004.  Visitor  .