A Mine Crater
Probably once part of a trench system, now a cess-pool of stagnant
water in Flanders.
Mine Fields
These were at Inverness, Scotland.
Mopping Up
Doughboys pausing for a rest in the Argonne Forest among the stumps
of what once was a beautiful grove. This ground had just been
captured from the Germans.
The Morning Attack
In the haze of the dawn, a battery of American field artillery in
the Argonne pounds the retreating German lines.
A Night Barrage
American battery of 75mm guns firing a barrage at 4:15 a.m. near
Reberry, France.
Observation Balloon
This monster of the air is being hauled down after peering several
hours over German lines.
The Observer
A close-up view of a balloon near the front line trenches in France.
On the Alert
Ready for an attack in the American trenches before Mulhouse, Hecken
Sector, Germany.
Outpost Duty
American outposts in the Hecken Sector of Alsace, watching for the
enemy. One is armed with a rifle grenade and one with a Chauchat
machine gun.
On the Way to Battle
American infantrymen, having pitched their shelter tents for the
night, water their horses in the stream.