Excerpts  from

"Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: 

Knox County, Knoxville"

The Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Work Projects Administration



Denominations/ Institutions:
( Please read Explanatory Notes )

Seventh Day Adventist Denomination

American Christian Churches

American Sunday School, Union

Apostolic Faith Mission

Assemblies of God

Baha'I Spiritual Assembly

Baptist Bodies:

  1. Missionary Baptists
    1. American Baptist Convention
    2. Southern Baptist Convention
  2. Missionary Baptists (Colored)
    1. National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
    2. Independent
  3. Unassociated Missionary Baptists
  4. National Association of Free Will Baptists
  5. Fundamental Baptists
  6. Primitive Baptists

Church of Christ, Scientist

Church of the Brethren

Church of the Nazarene

Church of the United Brethren in Christ

Churches of Christ

Churches of God and Holiness Bodies:

  1. Church of God
  2. Church of God (Tomlinson)
  3. Church of God - Holiness
  4. Unassociated  Churches of God
  5. Church of God in Christ, USA
  6. Church of God of the Union Assembly, Incorporated
  7. Church of God or Sanctified Church
  8. Church of the Living God, The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
  9. Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas
  10. Full Gospel Bible Mission
  11. Pilgrim Holiness Church

Congregational and Christian Churches

Disciples of  Christ

Eastern Orthodox Church (Hellenic)

Independent Churches and Missions

Institutional Chapels

Institutions Found by Religious Organizations

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jewish Congregations

Latter-Day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of (Mormon)

Lutheran Bodies

  1. Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America
  2. The United Lutheran Church in America

Mennonite Bodies

  1. Conservative Amish Mennonite Church
  2. Mennonite Church

Methodist Bodies:

  1. The Methodist Church
  2. American Methodist Church
  3. Wesleyan Methodist Connection (or Church) of America
  4. African Methodist Episcopal Church
  5. African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
  6. Colored Methodist Church

Ministerial Associations

Mount Calvary Holy Church of America (Inc.)

Plymouth Brethren IV

Presbyterian Bodies

  1. Cumberland Presbyterian Church
  2. Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church
  3. Presbyterian Church in the United States
  4. Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
  5. United Presbyterian Church of North America

Protestant Episcopal Church

Roman Catholic Church

Salvation Army

Society of Friends (Orthodox)

Unitarian Church

United Christian Church

Universalist Church

Volunteers of America

Young Men's Christian Association

Young Women's Christian Association

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