Excerpts  from

"Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: 

Knox County, Knoxville"

The Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Work Projects Administration



Boards, Publications & Institutions:

Name & Location (as of 1941) Name of Executive (as of 1941)

The First Church of Christ, Scientist
(The Mother Church)
Boston Massachusetts

Ralph H. Knapp, President
107 Falmouth St.
Boston, Massachusetts


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive (1941)
Active First Church
615 West Hill Ave.
1898 John Franklin Dunn, First Reader
Active Christian Science Society
905 Broadway
1930 Mrs. Nettie Jones, First Reader


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive (1941)
Active Christian Science Reading  Room
Fidelity Bankers Trust Building
502 S. Gay St.
1902 Mrs. Katherine W. Reese, Librarian


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