Excerpts  from

"Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: 

Knox County, Knoxville"

The Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Work Projects Administration




International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria St., London England; George Lynden Carpenter, General

National Headquarters, 120 W. Fourteenth St., New York, New York:  Commissioner Edward J. Parker, National Secretary.

Southern Territorial Headquarters: Lietenant-Comissioner William C. Arnold, Southern Territorial Commander

Divisional Headquarters: Major Wesley W. Bouterse, Divisional Commander

Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive (1941)
Active Salvation Army, Field and Relief Department
413 Wall Ave.
1889 Major James A. Shipp
Defunct Salvation Army Outpost
146-50 Tennessee Ave.
1940-41 Major James A. Shipp


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