Excerpts  from

"Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: 

Knox County, Knoxville"

The Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Work Projects Administration





Boards, Publications & Institutions:

Name & Location (as of 1941) Name of Executive (as of 1941)
General Conference
Takoma Park,
Washington, D.C.
Elder J.L. McElhaney, President
Southern Union Conference
487 E. Ponce DeLeon Ave.
Decatur Georgia:
Elder John K. Jones, President
Georgia Cumberland Conference
547 Cherokee Ave., S.E.
Atlanta, Georgia
Elder R.I. Keate, President
Southern Junior College
Collegedale, Tennessee:
Dr. John C. Thompson, President
Southern Publishing Association
2119 Twenty-fourth Av., N.
Nashville, Tennessee
Elder Manley V. Tucker, Superintendent
Southern Tidings
Collegedale, Tennessee
Elder Paul E. Quinby
Southern Scroll
Collegedale, Tennessee
Elder Paul E. Quinby
The Message Magazine
2309 Seifried St.
Nashville, Tennessee
Elder James E. Shultz
The Watchman Magazine
2309 Seifried St.
Nashville, Tennessee
Elder James E. Shultz


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive
Active First Church
Luttrell St. and Lovenia Ave.
1893 Elder William Edward Lanier
Active Little Creek Church
Lowes Ferry Pike
1941 Elder Leland Straw
Active Seventh Day Adventist Church (Col.)
320 N. University Ave.
1902 Elder Phillip H. Morgan
Defunct Copper Ridge Church
Black Ferry Road
1907-1935 Elder John Manuel
Cleveland (Bradley County)
Defunct Know Your Bible Better Tabernacle
1300 Luttrell St.
1938-39 Elder Charles A. Wilhelm


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name and Address of Pastor or Executive
Little Creek School
Lowes Ferry Pike
1940 Elder Leland Straw, Principal
Seventh Day Adventist School
Luttrell St. and Lovenia Ave.
Nellie Jean Smith, Principal
Seventh Day Adventist School
1805 Paige St.
Henry H. Kuhlman, Principal
Seventh Day Adventist School (Col.)
320 N. University Ave.
  Devolia Fowler, Principal

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