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Honor Roll:

History of Farragut High

Community History

Community Club


The Admiral



Senior Class

(Click Here to View Senior Class Photos)

Calloway Jones  - President
McLin Green - Vice-President
Lois Russell - Secretary-Treasurer

Motto: "Wear out and not rust out."
Colors: "Silver and Rose"

Class Roll:

Last Name: First Name: Nickname:


Brown Clayton "Slim" "The man who makes no mistakes seldom makes anything."
Campbell Ellen "Babe" "Surely never did there live on earth a girl of kindlier nature."
Chandler Lillian "Pete" "Blessed with charm, the certainty to please."
Cox Sue "Sussan" "She is gentle, she is shy, but there is mischief in her eye."
Everette Margaret "Monkie" "I have a heart with room for every joy."
Gambill Marie "Tom" "The secret of success is constancy in purpose."
Gheen Thomas "Tom" "He fought with amazing enthusiasm for the last seat in the class."
Grady Effie  "Beck" "Here is a girl with a heart, a smile
That makes the bubble of life worth while."
Green McLin [Macklin] "Mac" "I would rather sit alone on a pumpkin independently,
Than to be crowded on velvet cushions."
Henry Mildred "Baby" "She's pretty to walk with,
And witty to talk with,
And pleasant too, to think on."
Huff Margaret  "Ted" "Her modest answer and graceful air,
Show her as good as she is fair."
Jones Calloway "Jonah" " 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
LaPoint Arthur "Napoleon" "He is here for some high purpose
But just what it is I know not."
Lawson Nellie  "Nell" "Anxious to learn and be friendly, clever and willing to work."
Lowe Pauline "Polly" "Everything succeeds with people with sweet and cheerful disposition."
Marley Bessie Kate "Dimples" "And now for a treat I shall study awhile."
Marley Cecil  "Punk" "Still they gazed and still their wonder grew,
That one small head held all he knew."
Montgomery Elizabeth "Beth" "Her ways are ways of pleasantness."
Munsey Eva "Henn" "The mildest manners and the gentlest heart"
Needham Carl "Cosy" "Just give me a seat with the studious"
Nichols Bert "Bertin" "Mine's not an idle cause"
Rader Joe "Dick" "Awhile he strove for words in va'n, but look you when once he began, he made his meaning plain."
Russell Lois "Cowboy" "Sweet and gentle, kind and true,
That describes Lois through and through;
Always ready to do her part,
At Math and Spanish she's a shark."
Simmons Byron "Sir Bedivere" "What should a man do but be merry?"
Smith Lee  "Peg" "Happiness is cheaper than worry, so why pay the higher price?"

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