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Honor Roll:

History of Farragut High

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The Admiral



High School Faculty

(View Faculty photograph)

J. M. Colston A.M.  University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee.  Preparatory work in Morgan Prep School for Boys, Fayetteville, Tenn.  Principal of Elizabeth Training School, Petersburg.  Principal of Huntland High School, Huntland.  Instructor in Mathematics, University of South, Sewanee.  Educational Y.M.C.A. Secretary, U.S. Marines, Quantico, Va.  Superintendent of City Schools, Camden, Tenn.  Principal of Farragut High School, Concord, Tennessee.
Mrs. J. M. Colston B.S.E.  University of Tennessee.  Graduate of Ward Belmont College, Nashville, Tennessee.  Also Special Certificate work in expression from Ward Belmont and U.T.   Preparatory work in Winchester Preparatory School,  Winchester, Tennessee.  Teacher of Expression in Huntland High School.  Teacher of English and Expression in Central High School,  Benton County, Camden, Tennessee,  also Farragut High School.  Head of English Department of Maryville Polytechnic School.
R. E. Graham A.B.  Emory and Henry College.  Preparatory work at Flatwoods High School, 1915-1919.  Emory and Henry College, 1919-1923. Experience - East Stone Gap High School, 1923-1925.  Mathematics and Athletic Coach, Farragut High School, 1925-1926. 1927-1928.
P. M. Reaves B.S.A., University of Tennessee.  Graduate Work U. T. High School work, Farragut. Manager Bellwood Dairy Farm, Maryville, Tennessee.  Teacher of Science, Maryville Polytechnic. Teacher of Vocational Agriculture and Science, Farragut High School.
Ruth Sherrill: B.S. University of Tennessee.  Graduate work Peabody College and Columbia University N.Y.  Experience - Three years teaching Home Economics and supervising School Cafeteria, Portland, Tennessee.
Mary Emma Armentrout Maryville College, Cincinnati Conservatory of Music.  Assistant in Music Department, Maryville College.  Present position since 1924.


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