Knoxville City Directory
Black Diamond Coal Company - Office: 148 Gay. Incorporated September 24, 1874 Capital, $150,000. T.H. HEALD, president; E.C. LOCKE, secretary and treasurer. Clark Foundry and Machine Company - Hardee, northeast corner of Humes. Incorporated 1881. Capital, $25,000. H.W. CLARK, president; S. CORNICK, secretary and treasurer. Coal Creek Mining Company - Office, 148 Gay. Organized March 13, 1882. Capital, $150,000. T.H. HEALD, president; E.C. LOCKE, secretary and treasurer. Coal Creek Mining and Manufacturing Company - Office, 148 Gay. Incorporated 1872. T.H. HEALD, secretary; C.A. BULKLEY, New York, treasurer. East Tennessee Coal Company - Office 223 Gay. Incorporated 1877. Capital, $40,000. M.J. CONDON, president; E.J. DAVIS, treasurer and manager; B.A. JENKINS, secretary. East Tennessee Iron and Coal Company - Office, 124 Gay. Incorporated, 1855. A.L. MAXWELL, president; R.C. JAEKSON, secretary and treasurer. East Tennessee Land Agency and Immigration Bureau - Office: 31 Reservoir. Incorporated May, 1883. Capital, $100,000. J.F.J. LEWIS, president; C. POWELL, vice-president; J.W. GAUT, treasurer; C.W. CHARLTON, secretary and general superintendent. Edes, Mixter and Heald Zinc Company - Furnace, Clinton, Tenn.; office, 148 Gay Incorporated March, 1883. Capital, $100,000. J.W. MIXTER, vice-president; E. L. EDES, treasurer. East Tennessee Telephone Company - Office, southwest corner of Gay and Church. Incorporated 1881. Capital, $80,000. Clarence CARY, president; D.J. CARSON, secretary and treasurer; J.C. DUNCAN, manager. Knoxville Car Wheel Company - 120 Jacksboro road. Incorporated 1881. Capital, $107,000. C.H. BROWN, president; J.A. QUAIFE, vice-president, secretary and treasurer; J. ESDALE, superintendent. Knoxville City Mill Company - Crozier, corner E.T.V & G.R.R. Incorporated 1883. Jasper LILLIE, president; J.A. WALKER, secretary and treasurer. Knoxville Fire Insurance Company - 148 Gay. Incorporated 1878. Capital, $100,000. Capital and surplus, $125,000. D.A. CARPENTER, president; W.W. WOODRUFF, vice-president; Wm. H. SIMMONS, secretary and treasuer, Knoxville Foundry and Machine Company - South side of Hardee, 2 north of Sneed. Organized 1879. Capital, $100,000. Peter STAUB, president; J.B. KELLEY, secretary and general manager; C.M. FOUCHE, treasurer. Knoxville Furniture Company - Office 66 Gay, works, south side Front, west of Locust. Incorporated 1882. Capital, $50,000. T.R. PRICE, president; A.S. MOZNER, secretary and treasurer. Knoxville Ice Company - West and Cumberland. Incorporated 1881. Capital $40,000. Peter KERN, president; J.B. HOXSIE, vice-president; H.C. SQUIRES, secretary and treasurer; T.D. LEWIS, superintendent. Knoxville Iron Company - Asylum and High. Incorporated 1868. Capital, $230,000. W.R. TUTTLE, president; W.S. MEAD, secretary and treaurer. Knoxville Leather Company - High corner Bridge. Incorporated March 24, 1860. Capital, $50,000. John S. VAN GILDER, president; Frank A.R. SCOTT, secretary and treasurer. Knoxville Marble Company - Office 71 W. Clinch. Incorporated 1871. Capital, $20,000. Wm. PATRICK, president; Geo. W. ROSS, secretary and treasurer. Knoxville Street Railroad Company - Stables and offices, junction of Broad and Crozier. Incorporated January 5, 1876. W.W WOODRUFF, president; T.L. BEAMAN, superintendent, secretary and treasurer. Knoxville Water Works Company - Offices 76 Gay. Incorporated January, 1882. Capital, $20,000. S. McKINNEY, president; J.M. BROOKS, secretary; A.H. MARTINE, superintendent. Savings, Building and Loan Asssociation of Knoxville, Tenn -- Offices, east side Gay, north of Hattie House. Incorporated April 23, 1880. Capital, $213,000. P.KERN, president; A.P. WHITE, terasurer; E. BOLI, secretary. Southern Car Work - E.T. Va&Ga. R.R. track, west of depot. Organized June 1, 1881. Capital, $80,000. G.W. COLWELL, presient; R.Z. ROBERTS, secretary and treasurer; R.L. LOTT, vice-president and manager. Standard Coal and Coke Company - Office 56 W. Clinch. Mines, Newcomb, Tenn. Incorporated August, 1883. Capital, $500,00. E.E. McCROSKEY, president and treasurer; J.F. McCLURE, vice-president and general manager. Standard Handle Company - Jacksboro road, corner of Munson. Incorporated, 1884. Capital, $60,000. W.R. McCULLOUGH, president; F.J. LELAND, vice-president; C.M. WOODBURY, secretary and treasurer.
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