Sketches Of

Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


(pages 522 - 523)

Monroe Trent was born October 7, 1847; was married to Nancy C. Cope, September 11, 1887. He professed faith in Christ in October, 1867, uniting with a Baptist church on Clinch River. Afterwards he moved his membership to Trent Valley. In 1906 he became a member of Richardson's Creek, continuing his membership with that church till his death, August 12, 1914. His ordination to the ministry took place, January 6, 1877. Brother Trent was considered by his brethren one of the "best Bible-read" men of his Association - the Mulberry Gap. He was a "doctrinal" rather than an emotional or sentimental preacher. He was a man of good intellect and native strength, both of mind and of body. He was plain, outspoken and fearless. "He would preach what he thought the Bible taught, regardless of feelings. He was a zealous advocate of the truth as the Baptists see it and gave the best part of his life to the Lord's cause, with little remuneration from the churches. He preached to one church for two entire years, walking ten miles to his appointments, his only remuneration being one pair of home-knit yarn socks. It was the love of Christ and the advancement of his cause, not the hope of financial reward, that caused him to go through heat and cold, rain and snow, to preach to the needy and the lost the unsearchable riches of Christ."

Brother Trent accomplished great and lasting good in the field covered by the Mulberry Gap Association. For a number of years he was Moderator of the body. He fell in the harness, on day and date above given, and passed to his eternal reward in the heavens.


Burnett, J .J.  Sketches of  Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers.  Nashville, Tenn.:  Press of Marshall & Bruce Company, 1919.


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