Sketches Of

Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


(pages 398 - 399)

E. W. Ogle was born in Sevier County, Tennessee, May 8. 1847. He professed faith in Christ in his early teens, and joined the Baptist church at Gatlinburg, in his native county. August 29, 1867, he was married to Miss Sarah Reagan. Some time after his marriage he was "ordained deacon," and served his church in that capacity for a number of years, "using the office of a deacon well."

June, 1878, he was liberated to exercise his gift in a public way; and was ordained to the regular work of the ministry, January 1, 1882.

He served as pastor the following churches: White Oak, Flats, Evans' Chapel No. 1, Lebanon, Shady Grove, Rocky Grove, New Era, and Hill's Creek.

His associates in the ministry and the council that ordained him were: Elders Richard Evans, J. B. Walker, and J. S. Ogle.

He was greatly devoted to his home church, giving to it his time, prayers, and means. "To him it was the dearest spot on earth." He was one of the leaders in the movement to build a church at Banner - was Moderator of the council at its organization.

E. W. Ogle was a man who "always stood firm to his convictions. He would never compromise with sin. He was always outspoken against whatever he believed to be wrong."

After a service of more than forty years in his Master's cause, he "fell on sleep." January 18, 1902. His last sermon, and one of his ablest, just two weeks before his death, was from Job 14:14: "If a man die, shall he live again?"

"He has gone where the sunlight of heaven has burst on his never-dying soul, to bathe in the great sea of God's love, to wear a crown of never-fading glory, and to walk the golden streets of the bright home above" (Committee on Resolutions).


Burnett, J .J.  Sketches of  Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers.  Nashville, Tenn.:  Press of Marshall & Bruce Company, 1919.


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