Sketches Of

Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


(pages 211-212)

Henry Hale, son of Jeremiah Hale, one of our older pioneer preachers, was born November 30, 1828.  He was reared in Jefferson (now Hamblen) County, Tennessee, some four or five miles southeast of Morristown. He was converted in his youth, uniting with Friendship Church.  By authority of this church he was ordained to the ministry, November 3, 1867, Elder T. J. Lane officiating as a presbytery. His ministry was mostly in Hamblen, Green [sic], and Hawkins counties, doing missionary and revival meeting work, and preaching to Friendship, Warrensburg, Liberty Hill, Bull's Gap, Rocky Point, Bethel, Witt's Foundry and other churches.

July 16, 1868, he was married to Mary Louisa Cunningham, to which union were born eight children.

In 1873 he moved to Vernon County, Missouri, where he was pastor of Virgil City and other churches. In March, of 1896, he moved to Texas, and was pastor of Oklahoma Church till failing health compelled him to give up all ministerial work. He died "triumphant in the faith" January 16, 1904, and was gathered to the fathers and elders and saints in Israel in the better country.

Henry Hale was a valuable man in his denomination, was a good preacher and well connected, belonging to a family of preachers. He spent the larger part of his ministerial life in the West, but did solid and serviceable pioneer work in his native State. The house in which he grew up as a lad he had the misfortune to lose by fire, with valuable records and relics - a loss to history, very much to be regretted.

Burnett, J .J.  Sketches of  Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers.  Nashville, Tenn.:  Press of Marshall & Bruce Company, 1919.


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