Sketches Of

Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


(pages 144 - 145)

"The venerable brother, A. J. Duncan, is an ordained preacher of intelligence and gifts. He has been a Baptist fifty-four years. He has not been physically able to preach for some years, but he has been greatly useful in Sunday school and 'fifth Sunday meeting' work, in fireside conversation, in his talk and walk on the streets and in the stores. He believes in 'contending earnestly for the faith delivered once for all to the saints,' and he defines 'saints' as Baptists and 'the faith,' as the New Testament system of doctrines. He believes strongly and persistently in church 'discipline,' which he says is his 'forte'.  My visit in his home, in Calhoun, has been most pleasant. The infirmities of age are creeping over him. May he be spared other years to do good. He has given his estate, 210 acres of land, to the new Cleveland Church, reserving only $1,000 out of it for his living, the rest of the proceeds to go toward building a house of worship. (Notebook entry.) Brother Duncan has long since gone to his reward.


Burnett, J .J.  Sketches of  Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers.  Nashville, Tenn.:  Press of Marshall & Bruce Company, 1919.


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