History of Karns High School
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In 1905 Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Cobb moved from their large "Freels Bend" farm in Anderson County to Beaver Ridge community so their children could attend school. They bought the Smoker farm which was adjacent to the Beaver Ridge Secondary School. When their oldest son, Clifford, graduated from the eighth grade, he went to Central High School in Knoxville. He had to board there because the trip of over twelve miles to Central High School was too far to commute by horse or horse and buggy.
Pride in their school and the desire for higher education for their boys and girls led the citizens of the community to contemplate the construction of a high school. They became organized in 1911 and worked together to overcome many obstacles.
Not wanted any more of their children to have to leave home to attend Central High School, the Cobbs were happy to donate land for a high school in the Beaver Ridge Community. Therefore, the Cobbs helped to solve the problem of needed land when they donated seven acres. Eight more acres were donated making a total of fifteen acres on which the new high school was erected to replace the Beaver Ridge Secondary School. Its cost was $12,500. In September of 1913 the new three-story high school was completed. It was named Karns in honor of Professor T.C. Karns, the second Superintendent of Public Instruction in Knox County. The school opened its doors to 75 high school students and 160 elementary students.
In 1914 Karns High School graduated its first two seniors. An annual which was named THE BEAVER was published. [The beaver on the cover of this booklet was first used on the title page of the 1914 annual.]
An excerpt from Karns High School's first year history said that a "splendid" barn was built for the use of the students who rode horses to school.
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