Col. Cary Fletcher Spence was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, January 21, 1869, in the house on Union avenue where he now resides. He is the son of Dr. John Fletcher and Elizabeth Cary Spence. His father was a well known educator and was chancellor of the American University, Harriman, Tenn., and Grant University, of Athens, Tenn.
Colonel Spence received his early education in the public schools of Knoxville. This educational training was supplemented by a thorough and effective course in Grant University, from which he graduated with a B. A. degree in 1890. He also took a course of study at the University of Tennessee.
As an athlete, Colonel Spence has attained a national reputation. During his college career, he won the hundred-yard and the two hundred and twenty-yard dashes at the meet of the Amateur Athletic Union at Philadelphia in 1892. He finished second in the two-twenty dash at the World's Fair, Chicago, is the representative of the Columbia Athletic Association of Washington.
But the crowning distinctions in the life of Colonel Spence are his records as a soldier. At the outbreak of the Spanish American war he offered his services and was appointed First Lieutenant and Regimental Adjutant of the Sixth U. S. Volunteer Infantry; the following year he was promoted to the rank of captain in Porto Rico. Colonel Spence has been a continuous member of the National Guard for seventeen years. He is colonel of the Third Regiment and is the highest ranking officer in the state. Colonel Spence is very popular among the guardsmen of Tennessee.
Colonel Spence has extensive business interests in Knoxville. He is president of the Island Home Park Company, which has developed and improved a beautiful residence section of Knoxville. He is president of the Spence Trunk & Leather Company and the Spence Shoe Company. He was postmaster of Knoxville for four years; was first president of the Appalachian Club, at Elkmont; member of the Cumberland Club; Cherokee Golf and Country Club; was secretary and treasurer of the Appalachian Exposition; Elks; also holds membership in the Army and Navy Club of New York City; member Tennessee Sons of American Revolution; Military Order of Foreign Wars; Loyal Legion; member of Spanish American War Veterans' Association; served two years as president of Board of Trade; is now a director in the Knoxville Board of Commerce, Rotary and various other clubs.
Colonel Spence married Miss Nan Crook, of Baltimore, December 1, 1900. The union has been blessed with two children, Eleanor E. and Shirley C.
See also Knox County in the World War for information about Col. Spence's role in that conflict.
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