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History of Farragut High

Community History

Community Club


The Admiral



The Farragut Community Club

The history of Farragut School will show that the Community Club has done a great work in the past toward bringing the school and community to the front.  It has always been the object of this organization to cooperate with all movements that would raise the standard of the school and community. The Community Club still works along three definite lines of service - Educational - Charitable - and Social. However this year special stress is being placed along educational lines.

The Club cooperates with both the Division of Extension, U. T., and the National Congress of Parents and Teachers. It is hoped at the end of this year to see some definite results from some definite lines of study and work accomplished. The special projects being carried out with the Division of Extension and under the direction of Miss Inez Lovelace and other specialists from U. T. is Home Improvement. A number of club members have enrolled in this work and much improvement is expected of both the interior and exterior of the homes in the community.

Through the affiliation of the club with the National Congress of Parents and Teachers it is hoped that every parent - both fathers and mothers will learn more of the great work being done by the Parent Teacher Associations, and that each will feel a personal responsibility in helping carry out the aims of this organization in our local community, county, state and nation.

The aims of Parent-Teacher Associations - and it is these aims which the club is trying to carry out, are: To promote Child Welfare in the home, school, church, and community and to raise standards of home life.

2. To bring into closer relation the home and the school that parents and teachers may cooperate more intelligently in the training of children and to develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, moral and spiritual education.

In order to reach these aims in the local community the club has tried to plan programs of work for each meeting that might meet the needs of, and help solve the problems of parents and teachers of Farragut community.

Some of the programs for the year include study along the line of "Child Welfare." By having a number of subscribers and readers of the Child Welfare Magazine, try to acquire more knowledge of the nature and needs of boys and girls and more practice in care, training and education of them. What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, our community wants for all its children. So under Child Welfare programs, of which there can be many, it is hoped that the club this year may accomplish a few definite results, such as free medical inspection and physical examination and cooperation of county nurses and doctors. A summer round-up of all pre-school children which means an examination in the spring and again in the fall of all children starting to school for the first time.  In order that any physical defects may be given attention and the child begin school in as near perfect physical condition as possible.  These round-ups will be held at the club room in May and August.

Other features of the year's program are: Study of Nutrition and Diet of School Children, Sanitary Conditions of Home and School. A Two-Day Course in Home Nursery - under supervision of Mrs. Lena Warner, State Health Specialist.

Study Circle - To acquaint parents with the best books and encourage more and better reading in the home, also to foster and encourage as much as possible the movement for free library extension service in our county.

Student Loan Fund - It is the aim of the club to work out this year a scheme whereby a loan fund may be had for worthy students desiring to go to college after graduation from high school.

These are some of the things the Community Club stands for, and we feel sure it merits the support of every parent and teacher in the community.

It has been said that Parent-Teacher Work is the biggest movement in education today, and we should all be active members in order that we may help prepare the finest gift that can be left behind us - that of children greater than their parents - ready to meet their private and public problems bravely and intelligently.

We should keep in mind as we work as Parents and Teachers a little quotation from Mrs. Charles Poe -

Isn't it funny that Princes and Kings,
And clowns that caper in circus rings
And common folks like you and me
Are builders of Eternity?
To each is given a set of tools,
A shapeless mass and a book of rules,
And each must make, ere life is done,
A stumbling block or a stepping stone.


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