Rule High School

"Golden Memories" - 1945

9th Grade

Mr. Hargis: Mrs. Schroder: Mrs. Freeman: Miss Giffin: Mr. Sharpe:
Akers, Barbara Day, Lucille Allen, Wilma Lou Payne, Hildred Kinley, Boyd
Amburn, Barbara Dick, Ernestine King, Juanita Pritchard, Louie Scruggs, Charles
Anderson, Nana Dishman, James Lane, Barbara Rhinehart, Robert Seacrest, Marie
Arnwine, Luther Elder, Gay Loveday, Charles Rhodes, J. D. Sharpe, Thelma
Arrowood, Dorothy Ellis, Nadine Maples, Charles Richards, John Simpkins, Elmer
Ballard, Ethel Fair, Leon Martin, Agnes Roach, Bobby Smith, Ed
Barnett, J. T. Fox, Bill Mascho, Paul Roehl, Helen Smith, John
Barton, Lucille Francis, Grover McAfee, Sam Rolen, Claude Smith, Katherine
Bell, Ruby Frazier, Margaret McCulley, Euna Roth, Elizabeth Smith, Leon
Berry, Bill Fritz, John McNish, Margaret Sayne, Leila Lou Smith, Ruthie
Blackstock, Don Goin, Coba Lee Moore, Jimmy Scarlett, Jack Spurgeon, Yates
Bradshaw, Roselyn Goins, C. E. Moses, Harvey Sentell, Willie Summers, Ruby
Bray, Mildred Goosie, Clyde Mourfield, Edna Sharpe, Taylor Sutton, Evelyn
Breeden, Charles Greene, Donald Moyers, Louise Shumaker, Jack Sutton, William
Breeden, Dolores Gwinn, Ernest Murnamn, Katy Silvey, Charlotte Swopshire Dot
Brewer, Dorothy Harrell, Clara Lee Newman, Buddy Silvey, Mary Tallent, Ruby
Brown, Carl Harris, Louie Nickle, George Simmons, Suda Taylor, Dorothy
Bruce, Della Harrison, Opal Ogle, Clarence Smith, Bill Thomas, Barbara
Burkhart, Ramona Hendricks, Sue Ottinger, Jack Smith, Lassie Thomas, Daisy
Burnett, Elizabeth Hensley, Bill Peltier Mary Steele, Dorothy Touton, Mildred
Caldwell, Marjorie Hickey, Ray Phipps, Bobby Striggow, Donald Troutman, Dot
Carter, R. B. Holt, Mary Pierce, Margaret Stubbs, Virginia Troutman, Thelma
Caton, Betty Jean Horsley, Robert Pinkark, Frances Thomas, Bill Turner, Barbara
Christy, Ruth Huff, Imogene Pittman, Ruby Vancell, Wrenshall Turner, Francine
Clark, Betty Huff, Imogene
(second student)
Prater, Clara Weaver, Gilbert Turner, Jewel
Clark, Roscoe Hurley, Bobbie Raley, Marjorie Weaver, June
Cloud, Paul Hurst, George Robertson, Evelyn Weaver, Ralph
Collins, Elizabeth Hux, Doris Robinson, Earleen Webb, Jim
Cooper, Lillian James, Lloyd Rogers, Janie White, Evan Jane
Corum, Frances Keith, Cecil Rogers, Marjorie Wilkerson, Barbara
Covington, Howard Kesterson, Jeff Ryan, Mary Jane Wolenbarger, Dorothy
Cox, June Key, Charlotte Wright, Imogene
Daniels, Kathleen Maxey, Gene Yearwood, Carolyn
Davis, Jimmy Miller, Jo Young, John
Debord, Paul Miller, Juanita
Mowery, Bobie Lou
Nicely, Flossie

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