Knoxville High School

Administration & Faculty



Office of the Superintendent

Homer P. Shepherd Superintendent of City Schools
Joe Jennings Research Department
E. L. Adcock Business Manager
G. Scheitlin Superintendent of Buildings
Elizabeth McBerry Secretary to Superintendent of City Schools
Margaret Culliny Clerk to Board of Education
Elizabeth Scott Clerk in Research Department
Thelma Cottrell Secretary to Business Manager
Imogene Brakebill Clerk to Superintendent of City Schools

Office of the Principal

W. E. Evans Principal
Miss N. R. McClanahan Assistant to Principal
Mrs. J. H. Morrell In Charge of Attendance
Miss Katherine Webb Office Secretary



Department of English

Miss Clara Bewley Mrs. Virginia Moore
Miss Mary Arrants Mr. A. L. Jobe
Miss Evelyn Hazen Miss Eunice McCullough
Mrs. Matilda Darnall Miss Annette Welcker
Mr. C. V. Hackney Miss Lillian Rule
Miss Elsie Waddle

Department of Mathematics

Mrs. Emma L. Rice Miss Elizabeth Kurth
Mr. S. B. Parker Miss Henrietta Weigel
Mr. George P. Turley Mrs. Melissa Searle

Department of Languages

Miss Clara Sherwood Miss Virginia Cravens
Miss Lucille Evans Miss Frances Marten
Miss Helen Galbreath Miss Carolyn Aiken

Department of Social Science

Mr. C. L. Northcutt Mr. Harry  Watkin
Miss Mabel Broady Mr. R. E. Smith
Miss Jessie Neubert Mr. P. F. Farmer
Miss Anne Kent Miss Mary Kate Tittsworth

Department of Natural Science

Mr. J. C. Lowry Miss Mildred Eager
Mr. Thomas C. Herndon Miss Mary Beard
Mr. Ira  Stineman Miss Grace McDougal
Mr. C. A. Browning Miss Katherine Owens
Miss Evelyn Willoughby

Department of Commerce

Mr. J. N. Hendrickson Mr. Wayne Longmire
Miss Mary E. Champe Mr. Clyde McCoy
Miss Margaret Britton Miss Ouida Lowry
Miss Ada Markwood Miss Florence Beatty

Department of Home Economics

Miss Flora Maloy Miss Myra Reagan

Miss Lucile Henry

Department of Mechanical Arts

Mr. Hugh J. Betts Mr. L. D. Wallis
Mr. H. A. Zoerb

Department of Fine Arts

Miss Mary Grainger

Department of Physical Culture

Mr. John C. Floyd Miss Mary House

Mr. Joe B. Long

R. O. T. C.

Sergeant William Pratt Sergeant James Herron
Major Harry W. Stephenson


Miss Etta Matthews Miss Mary E. Tittsworth

Study Hall

Mrs. Merida Post

Department of Music

Miss Minnie Stensland Professor Charles Garratt
Mr. William Crouch


Miss Geneva Conway Mrs. Sally Sobolewski

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