Oakwood High School

(click on photo for enlarged version)

On account of the crowded condition in the Knoxville High School for the school session of 1918 and 1919, it was necessary for all the pupils who were promoted to the first year of high school to be transferred to Oakwood for their first year's work.

In the Spring of 1919 there were approximately 200 pupils in the high school department, these pupils coming from every section of Greater Knoxville.  The first class that was sent to Oakwood remained there for one full year's work and then transferred to the Knoxville High school to enter the second year's class.

There are at present approximately 200 in the high school department of the Oakwood school, who likewise, upon the completion on the new high school will be transferred to that school for further pursuance of their high school course.  The present class at the close of the term, will have completed only on half of a year's work in high school.

Oakwood High School Activities

Bible Study

Under the direction of Mr. C. C. Huffman, High School Boys' Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., about thirty boys perfected an organization, the object of which was to gain a knowledge of the teachings of the Bible in regard to clean sports, clean athletics, qualities of leadership, and one's duties toward his fellowman.

At present this Bible Study Class, which is contesting with similar organizations throughout the State of Tennessee, have about 100 points more than any other of the organizations with whom they are contesting.


During the past term, the pupils of the Oakwood High School have taken a great interest in athletics, especially baseball and boxing.  The baseball team is composed of the following who have proved that they have a lot of ability and a bright future as ball players:

Frank Godwin, catcher; William Milnor, pitcher; Ralph Cochran, 1st base; Harold Dempsey, 2nd base; Paul Scott, 3rd base; Paul Watts, short stop; Carl Conner, center field; Kenneth Wallace, right field; David Booth, left field.

R. O. T. C.

Company H. of the R. O. T. C. in the city schools located at the Oakwood High School, has done a most excellent and satisfactory work in drill and also in preparation for the field meet of all the Knoxville high schools, May 7, 1920.  Tuesdays of each week is devoted to different kinds of athletics and to learning new games.  Sgt. Ward, who has charge of Company H., has endeared himself to all the boys with his practice and belief in a square deal.

Girl Reserves


Mabel Hawes Scout Chairman
Virginia Caldwell Service Chairman
Lou Kate Cockrun Outings and Innings

The girls participated in the all-high-school track meet.  Misses Scott and Cockrun, the leaders, are very much admired by all the girls.  They were trained under the direction of Miss Waters, the enthusiastic leader of all "Girl Reserves" in the city.

The organization was perfected about the middle of the second term.  Considerable companionable spirit has been developed among the girls.


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