Knoxville High School (1920)

Commercial Students

Leslie Parker
Cadet First Lieutenant
Teneva McCormack
Roy Chastain
Cadet Second Lieutenant


The small number of graduates in the commercial course this year is accounted for by the fact that a change from a three to a four year course, effective at the beginning of this year, requires all students specializing in commercial work at the beginning of the Junior year to continue this course of study for two years.

Consequently, the pupils entering this course at the beginning of this year will graduate with the class of 1921, while those who entered the course last year, under the three regulation, completed the work in 1919.  This leaves only a few pupils who entered the course in the middle of last year to complete the commercial course this year, under the old three year rule.

The commercial department as a whole is flourishing this year, thirty-five pupils having entered the course during the year.

The work of the department now differs from that prescribed in the former three year course, not only in length, but in subjects required.

Two years of regular high school work in any course are required for entrance to the commercial course.

The curriculum for the two years of specialized commercial work in the Junior and Senior years is as follows:

Third year: - Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, English, French.

Fourth year: -  Bookkeeping or Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Spelling, Business English, Commercial Law, French

The pupils now on roll in the department are:

Roy Chastain, William Daly, Wallace Gillespie, Charles Jenkins, Arthur Kane, Leslie Parker, Milbron Sharp, Charles Wells, Lora Mae Barnett, Macie Bilbro, Juanita Booker, Pearl Booker, Mary Pearl Davis, Alice Delius, Lillian Frazier, Ruth King, Ruth Kirby, Mamie McClain, Tenneva McCormack, Elizabeth Manis, Juanita Mitchell, Lillian O'Dell, Lillian Petty, Nelle Pritchard, Florence Privette, Nannie Shultz, Priscilla Skelton, Mary Lee Smith, Myrtle Watson, Wilbert Shanton, Christine Armstrong, Lucille Phillips, Rosella DeBusk.


20 Years Hence:

Roy Chastain Retired Merchant
Leslie Parker Promising Artist
Wallace Gillespie Assistant Bookkeeper
Charles Jenkins Senior at Vanderbilt University
Tenneva McCormack Noted Prima Donna



Helen Payne, one of our best pupils, was forced to leave school early this term on account of illness.  We hope to have her with us next term, when we resume our studies in the commercial work.


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