Gold and Blue

Karns High School Annual


Senior Class History

Four years ago, eighty-five, bewildered, green freshmen started their high school career.  The surrounding territories from which they came were, Karns Elementary School, Ball Camp, Cedar Grove, Hardin Valley, Solway, Third Creek and Amherst.  After we became acquainted, we elected Mr. C. W. Pratt as sponsor, and the following as class officers:  President Paul Medaris; Vice-President Clarence Barker; Secretary Katherine Coker; Treasurer Rosalee Bailey.  The outstanding events of our first year were our class party, chapel program, and our participation in the May Day Festival.  We parted, hoping everyone would return the next semester.

After three months vacation we returned to continue our search for knowledge.  Our number had been reduced  from eighty-five to forty-eight.  After renewing our acquaintance we again elected our class officers and sponsor. President Earl Tolson; Vice-President Clarence Barker; Secretary Martha Reed; Treasurer Joe Lones and Mr. Oris Lynch as sponsor.  Several new members joined our happy band.  They were:  Juanita Grubb, Cora Belle Smith and Earl Tolson.  Two members of our class joined the service, Roy Valentine and H. G. Waggoner.

A highlight of the sophomore year was the electing of Hattie Smith as F. F. A. Queen.  We also had two class parties.  We then passed the half-way mark of our high school career.

In 1943, we were "great big" juniors.  The greeness that was with us in our freshman and sophomore years had worn off and in its place there was a certain measure of boldness.  We yelled in the halls, threw waste paper on the floor, chewed chewing gum in class, talked in the movies, and threw books out the windows.  In the midst of this uproar, we took time to elect our sponsor, Mr. Mike Hendrickson, Earl Tolson President; Joe Lones Vice-President; Katherine Coker Secretary; and Hattie Smith Treasurer.

For diversion from our daily routine, we had two school parties and four additional parties.  Also, on February 26, we had our annual Junior-Senior Banquet at the S & W Cafeteria.

Hoping we could long be remembered by the future students of Karns High we sponsored a May Day Festival.  Pauline Eubanks was crowned queen.  The proceeds went for the purchasing of books for the library.

In the latter part of our junior year we regretted loosing Charles Balch to the armed forces.

At last we were dignified seniors, the only ones in the school!

We regretted loosing Miss Garrison, but our loss was fully regained by Mr. C. B. Chesney, from Gibbs.

This year we miss the guidance of our former President, Earl Tolson, who joined the navy.  Two other members, K. C. Pittman, and Grover Stout were also in the armed forces.  Marie Evans, Mildred Moneymaker and Hazel Barnard did not return

Of the three who married, Helen Claiborne, Martha Reed, and Irene Lowe, only Helen Claiborne Tullock is still attending. To make up for previous losses Mae Blakely came to us from Rogersville.

Our first class party was "stuck-up" due to the mud of the new highway.  Our next event was our Christmas Banquet in the Home Economics Department.

Katherine Coker, was elected Miss D. A. R. by the student body.

After struggling through mid-term exams, we made plans for our Junior-Senior Banquet, at the Andrew Johnson Hotel, March 24th.

Our Class has tried to uphold the honor of Karns High School and we hope that the future students will continue to do the same.

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