Affidavit of Stephen Bond, of Knox County, TN
In the Matter of John Dodd's Petition
to Have His Second Marriage Validated

Petition No. 39-1817
Manuscript Collection, TN State Library & Archives, Nashville

State of Tennessee }
Knox County             } This day personally appeared before me W [sic] Wm Campbell an acting Justice of the Peace for the said county Stephen Bond and made oath that he was aquantd [sic] with Sarah Dodd the wife of John Dodd in the State of Verginia [sic] Frederick County and that he did beleave [sic] from her conduct that she was a loos [sic] Bass [sic] Woman the deponent further states that she frequently visited a still Hous [sic] wich was on the Plantation where he lived on and that some time after she did have a child and did charg [sic] Cumberland Forgason with being the Father of the said child the deponent further state [sic] that said Sarah Dodd Did make application to him to try to make intersesion [sic] with said Cumberland Forgason did not marier [sic] hur [sic] that she wood [sic] Hang hurself [sic] becaus [sic] the child she had was said Forasons [sic] child this deposition taken before me the 22 day of october [sic] 1817

Stephen   X   Bond

Wm Campbell
Justice of the Peace for
Knox County

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