The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

June, 1916

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Harbison's Cross Roads Exchange
Harbison's Cross Roads, Tenn.

Ailor, Pem
Arnwine, W C
Booher, J A
Bradley, James
Bradley, M M
Bridges, J R
Bright, Edd
Bright, Geo., Jr.
Bright, G W
Bright, Jack
Bright, L L
Bright, N J
Bright, Tom
Campbell, Mrs. Mary
Carter, T B
Chiles, C K
Clapp, L S - Store
Clapp, Martin
Clapp, Sam
Cleveland, Jerry
Cooper, John
Garner, H C
Carrett, Elmer
Graves, Eli
Graves, Elmer
Harris, Aaron
Harris, E B
Irwin, C C
Irwin, C C - Mdse
Irwin, W S
Johnson, J C
Jones, Mark
Keeling, Geo.
Kirkpatrick, Mrs Mary
Kitt, R T
Lakins, J H
Lett, G Wm.
Lett, Gid
Lett, H L
Lett, Wm.
Martin, Miss Bertie
Marton, W G
McCloud, Arthur
McCloud, R L
Mynatt, H E
Mynatt, H T
Ousley, Dr. B L
Parker, F S
Rodgers, J H
Sharp, Jjacob
Sharp, Lewis
Shell, E L
Shelton, Tip
Simmonds, John
Tobler, Jacob
Wood, A G
Wood, Mark


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