The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

June, 1916

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Goin Exchange, Goin, Tenn.

Bastic, Henry
Bolinger, David
Brogan, Ruddie
Bryant, U G
Cale J T
Collins, Jacob
Collins, W H
Cox, C
Cox, Jas.
Davis, Jas.
Edwards, Sampson
Ellis, J G
England, B D
England, Mat
England, Tom
Fortner, J F
Goin, A C
Goin, J A
Goin, J G
Goin, J P
Goin, J W
Gray, W M
Haley, Sam
Hopper, C L
Hopper, Henry
Hopper, Jno.
Hopper, W E
Houston, Buddie
Johnson, Jacob
Keck, Cum.
Keck, E B
Keck, Eli
Keck, J D
Keck, J R
Keck, J T
Keck, Mack
Keck, M I
Keck, T C
Lynch, Chas.
Lynch, G W
Maddux, J W
Mathews, Tom
Miracle, S G
Monroe, J D
Moyers, A
Moyers, I S
Moyers, P N
O'dell, M E
Palmer, Dr.
Rasson, Jas.
Redmore, S C
Robertson, I R
Rogers, C S
Rouse, Jno.
Russell, Pink
Sander, W D
Shipley, Wm
Simmonds, Fred
Simmonds, Lum.
Sounder, M J
Toliner, J C
Tolines, Newt (these names are just as they are in the book; J C Toliner with
an 'r', Newt Tolines with an 's')

Treace, David
Weaver, Bunk
Welch, Robert
Williams, Geo. H
Williams, General
Williams, J H
Williams, J S
Williams, Marion
Williams, Milt
Williams, Mose
Williams, Teni
Woods, M L

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