The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

June, 1916

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Davis Exchange, Sharp Chapel, Tenn.

Baker, C L
Baker, J F
Baker & Ousley - Mdse
Barker, W H
Barker, Wm
Beason, P L
Beason, Prock
Beason, W M
Beeler, Wm
Berry, Henry
Boruff, Rosen
Brogan, J G
Brogan, Will
Browning, Wm
Cary, Frank
Cole, George
Cole, Joseph - Mdse
Cole, Thomas
Collins, Jacob
Collins, Willie
Cook & Groves - Mdse
Cook, Richard
Cox, Daniel
Cox, Leonard
Davis, Dr. W S
Dykes, Robert
Edwards, Jepthy
Edwards, John
England, Ben
Ford, T A
Graves, Casper
Graves, Isaac
Graves, J P
Graves, Wm
Graves, W A
Hamilton, C C
Hamilton F H
Hammer, Dr J M
Hodges, J A - Mdse
Jessie, James
Keck, Eli - Mdse
Keck, Harvey
Keck, John
Keck, John H
Keck, M N
Keck, M C
Keck, P
Keck, Paris
Keck, Phillipp
Keck, Rob
Keck, W R
Keller, Joseph
Kitts, H P
Mayes, Henry
Mayes, Matthew
Miller, J K
Miller, T J
Moyers, Allen
Moyers, H M
Moyers, Rev. J N
Moyers, John
Moyers, M P
Moyers, Newton
Moyers, N S
Nash, W F
Nash, W N
Needham, J B
Needham, N F - Mdse
Nicely J C - Mdse
Ousley, C L
Ousley, Marvin
Ousley, P H
Ousley, W A L
Owen, Mc. - Mdse
Palmer, A R
Palmer, C L
Palmer, M B
Palmer, Dr. P A
Palmer, W G
Palmer, V W
Peters, J H
Rogers, E S, Esq & Bro.
Rogers, Dr. J H
Rogers, M S
Rogers, Sillus
Rouse, Willie
Rowe, P G
Sharp, Charlie
Sharp, John G
Sharp, Milton
Sharp, W H
Shelby, Ebb
Shelby, Prof. J M
Shoffner, Isaac
Stiner, Babe
Siner, C M - Mdse
Stiner, G S
Stiner, Henry
Stiner, James
Stiner, J H
Sweet, Brownlow
Sweet, J A
Sweet, O E
Taylor, Dr. John
Taylor, J W - Mdse
Turner, J A
Waggoner, J N
Walker, Columbus
Walker, David
Walker, Henry
Walker, J S
Walker, Mose
Walker, Paris - Mdse
Western, N R
Woods, John
Whited, M
Williams, John Henry
Wright, Jacob

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