The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

December, 1913

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Davis Exchange, via Jasper:

Baker, C L
Beeler, William
Cook, Richard
Davis, W S
Graves, Press
Housley, Joe
Keck, P
Metler, John
Miller, Dr O D
Needham, F M
Nicely, J C
Ousley, A S
Ousley, Lafayette
Ousley, P H
Palmer, Lafayette
Palmer, Milfred (yes, Milfred with an f)
Palmer, Dr T ASharp, John
Stiner, G S
Stiner, Henry
Stiner, James
Stiner, Newton
Taylor, James
Taylor, Dr John
Walker, Mose
Walker, Paris
Welch, Green
Welch & Lay
Whited, John
Whited, M


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