The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

December, 1913

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Dandridge Exchange:

Ailey, Mrs Anderson
Airehart, Jacob
Allen, Alfred
Allen, Floyd
Allen, J W
Allen, Lemuel
Amos, Z
Anderson, Dr J C
Atchley, Dr James
Baker, J H
Baker, Joseph
Ball, W M
Benson, L C
Bettis, J E
Blackburn, Will
Blackburn W W
Blazer, Lemuel
Bolden, Green
Bradshaw, J R
Brady, F E
Brimmer, Otta
Brimmer, Robt
Burchfield J C
Burchfield, Russ
Smith, Miss Clara
Smith, F M
Smith, W H
Sprinkle, Robt
Stevens, Frank
Swann, A R
Swann, Harold
Swann J C
Swann, J M
Swann, J P
Swann, Mrs Mary
Swann, Robt
Swann, Rotie
Swann, R
Swann, Sam
Swann, W A
Swann, Will
Swann, Will L
Taff, John
Taylor, James
Thomas, Geo
Thomas, M W
Thomas & Thomas
Thomas, T B
Thornton, N S
Tinsely, Dr P A
Tomlinson, J C
Tomlinson, W F
Tomlinson, Will
Vance, J W
Walker, C A
Walker, Mrs Eliza
Walker, J E
Walker, John
Webb, N P
Widner, Chas
Wilkerson, Oscar
Williams, Ed
Williams, J C
Williford, C M & Co
Winstead, D



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