The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

December, 1913

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Big Valley Exchange. Lost Creek, Tenn.

Albright, Daniel
Beeler, P L
Bradfute, Geo. A
Bridges, Jacob
Bridges, Rice
Bridges, Sampson
Cox, Dr W D
Dunn, M  C
Farris, M L
Fletcher, W A - Store
Foust, J V
Fox, Geo. F - Store
George, Berney
Gray J G
Graves, Eli
Graves, M F
Graves, P H
Helms, J A
Henegar, Robt
Hill, Edgbert
Hill, E L
Hill, E Q
Hill, Harvey
Hill, Ferrin
Hill, Isaac
Hill, James
Hill & Bledsoe
Hill & Monroe - Store
Hill, Newton
Hopper, Thomas
Hutson, Dr J M
Irwin, Miller
Irwin, Horace M
Irwin, Rev J G
Irwin, Mrs Mary
Irwin, Rice
Kidwell, J L
Lett, John
Lettt, Mrs Susan
Langley, Wm & Son
Lett, Robert
Longmire, Dr A H
Longmire, James S
Longmire, Robert
Longmire, R A
Loy, Geo
Loy, Henry
Loy, James
Loy, J C
Loy, W M
Malone, J F
Malone, J B
Malone, W M
McBee, W T
Mitchell J B - Store
Mitchell, John Sen.
Mitchell, J F
McCoy, J M
Monroe, E D
Miller, A J
Nelson, J M D
Ousley, Dr J M
Ousley, B C
Ousley, J C
Petree, Jno. W
Rice, J R
Rutherford, J P
Rutherford, L A
Sharp, A R - Store
Sharp, E
Sharp & Hill - Store
Sharp, J Crit.
Sharp, J D
Sharp, Ludlow
Sharp, L M
Sharp, McHenry
Sharp, T H
Sharp, W M
Snoderly, Gains
Snoderly, Geo
Snoderly, J B
Snoderly, S P
Snoderly, W D
Southern, Abe
Southern, Wm
Stooksburg, Bert
Stooksburg, Caney R
Stooksburg, Cas
Stooksbury, Chas
Stooksbury, Eli
Stooksbury, John
Stooksbury, L G
Stooksbury, Sherman
Turner, John W
Warwick, E M
Watson, B F
Weaver, Albert - Store
Weaver, John
Weaver, J B
Weaver, M B
White, Daniel
Wilson, Asbury
Wilson, C
wiulson, J R
Wilson, Sherman
Witt, Geo
Witt, J E
Witt, J L



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