The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

December, 1913

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Ball Camp Exchange:

 Amanns, Geo
Amanns, I H
Barnett, E S
Bloomer, Jasper
Brooks, W W
Burnes, M A
Byington, M B - Mdse.
Byington, M B -  Res.
Callaway, J M
Cobb, S D
Cobb, W B
Coward, Henry - Mdse
Davis, J S
Dyer, Fayette - Mdse
Garrison, Dr A R
Garrison, Roy
Hale, J W
Hodges, J Ross
LaCoultrie Bros.
Lewis, J L
McNew, Dr A J
McNew, A S
Pyott, J M
Reagan, S T - Mdse
Ridenour, C
Runnion, T J
Rutherford, Lloyd, Sr
Smith, Mrs, Maud
Smoker, Aaron
Worley, E R


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