The People's Telephone and Telegraph Company

Knox County and surrounding areas

December, 1913

Transcribed by

Nancy Cassada Nelson (


The names are listed by exchange.  There were no addresses or telephone numbers. Instructions were  to "Call County Operator for connection."

Andersonville Exchange:

Brady, J B
Bruce, W W
Burkhart, J P
Carden, J Allen
Carden, J W
Carden, Dr W L
Carden. W T
Clark, J G
Clear, Rev Luther
Click A J
Cox, J C
Craig, Harvey B
Fielden J R
Fielden, Sam
Foster, S L
Fox, H M
Fox, S H
Gammon, Dr J H
Hale, S F
Hansard, A L
Humphreys, Sam
Hunley, S A
Irick, B H
Irwin, Harvey
Irwin, Paris
Irwin, R M
Irwin, Rush S
Irwin, Shade I
Kirk, J E
Lewis, W A
Long, J E
Longmire I M
Longmire, Roberrt
Longmire, Wm
Ley, Bennett
Melton, John Sr
Melton, Boy (that's what is says: Boy)
Mitchell, G P
Mitchell, W S
Pratt, W H
Rideour, T S
Rutherford & Longmire, Mdse.
Shoemate, Mrs Maggie
Snodderly, Mrs A H
Taylor, Sam
Vandagriff, John
Vowell, R C
Weaver, J H
Welch, A L
Yoakum, R G


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