Organized and Charter dated October 2d, 1869. 

Stated Convocations held First Monday in each month in Masonic Temple, Corner Prince Street and Wall Avenue.


  • M.F. Flenniken, H.P.

  • W.P. Richards, K.

  • N.C. Llewellyn, S.

  • G.B. Davis, Treasurer

  • S.V. Bowden, Secretary

  • T.E. Black, C.H.

  • J. A. Armstrong , P.S.

  • Thomas Kehoe, R.A.C.

  • Clarence Bradley, M. 3d. V.

  • E.L. Rowe, M. 2d V.

  • C.W. Flesher, M. 1st V.

  • Henry Davis, Sentinel.


H. M. Aiken S. M. Miller
T.A. Boyd R. Leslie Chiles
A.Y. Burrows A. Ferguson
G.P. Chandler G.W. Murphy
G.B. Davis A.J. Reed


Adams, C.F. 620 Deery st.
Aebli, H.H. 917 Hill ave, E.
Aiken, H.M. 514 Cumberland ave., W.
Allen, C.M. 1354 Armstrong ave.
Armstrong, G.A. 125 Baxter ave, E.
Armstrong, J.A. 306 Hill ave, E.
Adair, J. P. 617 Richards st.
Armstrong, C.G. McCoy Bldg.
Ballard, R.H. 413 Georgia st.
Baker, J.W. McCoy Bldg.
Bart, Morris 203 Gay st.
Barnes, W.R. Blue Ridge, Ga.
Bauer, A. 214 Fourth st.
Beets, A. 217 Baxter ave., E.
Bell, J.L. 1011 Euclid ave
Benscoter, C.A. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Birdsong, A.S. 317 Clinch ave., W
Black, T.E. 308 1/2 Clinch ave., W
Blow, P.E. 917 N. Fifth ave
Bowden, S.V. 2026 Jackson ave.,E.
Bowen, Wm. 501 Cumberland ave, W.
Boyd, T.A. 745 Fifth ave., N.
Brown, A.R. Erwin, Tenn.
Brown, H.M. 420 Chamberlain st.
Brown, J.H. South Knoxville
Brown, L.F. 601 Atkin st
Brown, H.H. Powells, Tenn.
Brown, T.M. Powells, Tenn.
Brown, Ralph W. Holston National bank
Boyd, C.L. 1118 Stewart ave.
Boardman, F.E. Memphis, Tenn.
Berry, J.T. 709 Eleanor st.
Burkheimer, H.W. Sheffield, Al.
Burrows, A.Y. 1720 Washington ave.
Bradley, Clarence 1365 N. Broadway
Buenzli, Robt. 717 Depot ave, E.
Caldwell, A.S. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Carpenter, D.A. Clinton Pike
Carroll, G.W. 119 Main ave, W.
Chandler, Geo. P. 817 Fourth ave, N.
Chandler, W.P. Sentinel office
Chiles, R. Leslie 1817 Highland ave
Chapman, J.J. (not given)
Clare, E.R. (not given)
Cook, H.G. 321 Front ave., E.
Cooper, A.P. Empire Bldg.
Cooper, J.A. 1341 Dewey st.
Crawford, L.D. Baxter ave
Criswell, J.B. Cumberland Hotel
Cross, R.F. Deaderick Bldg.
Curtis, J.C. (not given)
Curtis, H.W., Jr. 529 Gay st., S.
Dallas, B.B. 1521 Linden ave.
Davis, G.B. 909 Main ave., E.
Davis, Henry 512 Temperance st.
Davis, J.E. Inskip, Tenn.
Dodson, W.R.  509 Williams st.
Dooley, C.L. 2541 Virginia ave
Dooley, T.S. 2533 Virginia ave.
Davis, E.M. Bearden, Tenn.
Dow, S.B. 416 Second st.
Dixon, C.O. 616 Broadway, N.
Duncan, J.G. 316 Jackson ave., W.
Dunn, A.J. Bristol, Tenn.
Early, E.E. 1200-1202 Grand ave.
Evans, J.G. 1201 Clinch ave.,W.
Flenniken, M.F. Deaderick Bldg
Flenniken, T.W. Inskip,  Tenn.
Flenniken, W.P. Union Bank
Flesher, C.W. 203 Empire Bldg.
Fender, L. 715 Eleanor st.
Ferguson, A. 503 Cumberland ave., W.
Flora, J.W. 312 Jacksboro st.
Fielden, C.S. 406 Park ave, E.
Ford, J.H. 631 Gay st., N.
Ford, J.M. 806 McGhee ave
Fraley, C.O. 406 Chamberlain st
French, W.M. 514 Oxford st.
Funck, C.M. 611 Walnut st.
Gaut, J. P. Holston Bank
Goforth, W.N. Bull Run, Tenn.
Gothard, J. 745 N. Fifth ave
Green, J.C. 111 Fifth st
Greer, W.A. Friendsville, Tenn.
Groner, J.C. Boyd's Ferry Pike
Groner,  H.B. Treeville, Tenn.
Hall, G.J. Deaderick Bldg.
Hall, J.S., Jr. 16 Market Square
Hall, H.W.  204 Gay st., S.
Harvey, C.H. 810 Gay st., S.
Hargraves, W.W. 819 Deery st
Hatcher, H.W.B. Market House
Haun, S.D. 1017 Luttrell st.
Henderson, C.W. (not given)
Henderson, J.D. 306 Commerce ave
Henderson, J.T. 301 Fifth ave, W.
Henry, E.B. North Broadway
Hickman, L.T. 318-320 Gay st., S.
Hodge, W.R. 990 Luttrell st.
Howell, J.G. 939 Henderson st.
Howell, C.R. 2445 Virginia ave
Hudson, H. 1725 Hayes ave
Jamison, T.A. 209 Baxter ave, E.
Jenkins, T.A. Jellico, Tenn.
Johnson, R.M. South Knoxville
Johnson, W.C. Memphis, Tenn.
Jones, J.B. 503 Oxford st.
Kaderly, W.F. Copper Hill, Tenn.
Karstaedt, Frank Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kelly, J.F. 2358 Woodbine ave.
Kehoe, Thos. 1018 Asylum ave.
Kern, J.P. 421 Walnut st.
Kern, Peter 421 Walnut st.
Kinzel, Geo. E. 1301 Fifth ave, E.
Koella, E. Rockford, Tenn.
Kincaid, J.H. 421 Church ave., W.
Kluttz, T.A. 1103 Eleanor st.
Knox, John H. 740 Fourth Ave., N.
Knaffl, R. 125 Jackson ave, W.
Kreiss, Harmon Court House
LaRue, Thos. B. 1113 Fourth ave., W.
Leath, S.M. Clinton, Tenn.
Leland, F.J. 1119 Fourth ave, N.
Llewellyn, N.C. 109 Lovenia st.
Llewellyn M. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Lockett, W.R. Watauga Bldg
Lones, J.K. R.F.D. No. 2
McBath, W.A. 401 Gay st., S.
McCoy, John McCoy Bldg.
McGinn, R.H. 311 Gay st., N.
McKinney, C.J. 733 Third ave., N.
McMullen, W.B. 621 Luttrell st.
Michael, J.B. 512 Vine ave., W.
Michaels, T.M. 410 Cumberland ave, W.
Miller, S.M. 209 Church ave., W.
Mooney, J.N. Salisbury, N.C.
Moore, J.C. Sweetwater, Tenn.
Morgan, J.R.  Montreal, Canada
Morris, J.D. Powells, Tenn.
Moses, J.H. 1315 Dora st.
Murphy G.W. 504 Gay st.,S
Mynderse, E. 403 Woodland ave, E.
Mynderse, W.E. 218 Fourth st.
Nichols, E.C. (not given)
Owens, R.W. Bristol, Tenn.
Parker, Jas. 601 Clinch ave, E.
Parrott, J.C. (not given)
Parham, C.L. 1528 Highland ave.
Patterson, C.E. 202 Fifth ave, W.
Patton, O.W. Nashville, Tenn.
Payne, B.O. (not given)
Payne, J.K. W. Clinch ave
Preston, F. 205 Scott Ave, E.
Preston, G.S. Harris Bldg.
Price, A.J. 904 Oak ave.
Price, Thos. R. 1118 Asylum ave
Preston, Geo. K. 217 Park ave. E
Powers, J. Pike, Jr. Deaderick Bldg.
Queener, A.J. Oliver Springs, Tenn.
Ragsdale, R.B. 1062 Tulip ave
Rambo, S.R. 619 Prince st.
Reagan, J.W. Powells, Tenn.
Reed, A.J. 1013 Calloway st.
Richards, A.T. 602-614 Chamberlain st.
Richards, D.C. Oliver Springs, Tenn.
Richards, W.P. 602-614 chamberlain st.
Rosenthal, D.A. 531 Gay st., S.
Roth, W.F. 821 Atkin st
Roth, C.A. 600 Atkin st.
Rogers, S.A. Friendship, Tenn.
Rowe, E.L. 109 Eighth st.
Ringgold, Rev. Samuel 413 Cumberland, W.
Sawyer, John Clinton, Tenn.
Schmalzreid, O.D. Dowagiac, Mich.
Seivers, C.W. 210 Baxter ave., E.
Sheen, W.C. 131 Jennings ave.
Shields, S.G. 520 Gay st., S.
Shriver, A.J. Kingston Pike
Smith, T.J. Durango, Mexico
care International Ry.
Smith, J.A. 311 Georgia St. N.
Starrett, J.M. 804 Eleanor st.
Spessard, T.O. 787 Asylum ave
Tallent, W.A. Oakwood
Taylor, H.B. Savannah, Ga.
Teter, F.D. 312 Jacksboro st.
Thomas, G.W. (not given)
Thomas, M.G. 425 Church ave., W.
Thomas, T.J. 148 Hinton ave.
Tittsworth, H.D. 1033 Luttrell st.
Tower, S.F. Sacramento, Cal.
Trainum, C.A. 1122 Stewart ave.
Tillery, J.M. 1802 Forest ave.
Van Deventer, H. Deaderick Bldg.
Van Gilder, R. Merchants Bank
Vaughn, W.A. Atlanta, Ga.
Wade, R.B. 125 Baxter ave, E.
Wallace, C.F. 1011 Hannah ave
Walton, T.G. Memphis, Tenn.
Warnack, W.A. 721 Temperance st.
Waterman, E.A. (not given)
Wayland, C.G. 805 Main ave.,W.
West, S.D. 498 Jackson ave.,W.
Willaford, P.H. 1116 Munson ave
Wood, A.R. (not given)
Woodward, N.S. Castle ave.
Woolfolk, W.G. (not given)
Wright, C.W. 822 Deery st.
Wright, W.D. Deaderick bldg.
Yearwood, R.J. 211 Broadway, S.
Young, R.F. Friendsville, Tenn.
Membership:  210


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