Organized and Charter dated January 25th, 1892.

Stated Assembly held Third Thursday  in each month in Masonic Temple, Corner Prince Street and Wall Avenue.


  • N.C. Llewellyn, T.I.M.

  • S.V. Bowden, D.M.

  • W.P. Richards, P.C.W.

  • A. Ferguson, Tresurer.

  • W.M. French, Recorder.

  • T.E. Black, Cap. G.

  • J.C. Green, Con. Counsil.

  • J.A. Armstrong, Steward

  • Henry Davis, Sentinel.


H. M. Aiken G.P. Chandler
T.A. Boyd R. Leslie Chiles
G.B. Davis M.F. Flenniken
A. Ferguson G.W. Murphy
A.A. Francis A.Y. Burrows


Aebli, H.H. 917 Hill ave., E
Aiken, H.M. 514 Cumberland ave., W
Armstrong, G.A. 125 Baxter ave., E.
Armstrong, Jno. A. Holston Bank
Armstein, M. B. 412 Gay st., S.
Ballard, R.H. 928 Hannah ave.
Bauer, A. 214 Fourth st.
Beets, Arthur 217 Baxter ave., E.
Bell, J. L.. 1011 Euclid ave.
Benscoter, C.A. Chattanooga, Tenn.
Bennett, Rufus Block, Tenn.
Berry, Jno. T. 709 Eleanor st.
Black, T.E. 308 1/2 Clinch ave.,W.
Bowden, S.V. 2026 Jackson ave. E.
Bowen, Wm. 501 Cumberland ave., W.
Boyd, T.A.  745 Fifth ave, N.
Bradley, Clarence 1365 Broadway, N.
Buenzli, Robert 717 Depot ave, E.
Burrows, A.Y. 1720 Washington ave.
Chandler, Geo. P. 817 Fourth ave, N.
Chiles, R. Leslie 1817 Highland ave.
Crawford, L.D. Baxter ave
Criswell, J.B. Cumberland Hotel
Bureton, E.H. 607 Third st.
Cooper, Al. P.  Empire Bldg.
Dallas, B.b. 1521 Linden ave.
Davis, G.B. 909 Main ave .,E.
Davis, Henry 512 Temperance st.
Dodson, W.R. 509 Williams st.
Dunn, A.J. Bristol, Tenn.
Dixon, Chas. O. 616 Broadway, N.
Disney, Geo. H. Coal Creek, Tenn.
Fender, Leon 715 Eleanor st
Ferguson, A. 503 Cumberland ave, W.
Flenniken, M.F. Deaderick Bldg
Flora, J.W. 312 Jacksboro st.
Ford, J. M. 806 McGhee st
Francis, A.A. 521 Cumberland ave, W.
French, W.M. 514 Oxford st.
Featherly, W.M. Harriman, Tenn.
Gleason, M.D. (not given)
Goforth, W.N. Bull Run, Tenn.
Gradi, W.C. Sweetwater, Tenn.
Green, J.C. 111 Fifth st.
Groner, J.C. Boyd's Ferry Pike
Harvey, C.H. 810 Gay st.,S.
Henderson, J.D. 306 Commerce ave.
Henderson, J.T. 301 Fifth ave, W.
Howell, C.R. 2445 Virginia ave.
Howell, J.G. 939 Henderson st.
Jones, J.B. 503 Oxford st.
Karstaedt, Frank Chattanooga, Tenn.
Kern, J.P. 421 Walnut st.
Kern, Peter 421 Walnut st.
Kluttz, T.A. 1103 Eleanor st.
Koella, Earnest Rockford, Tenn.
Kinzel, Geo. E. 1301 Fifth ave, E.
Kreiss, Harmon Court House
Lienhardt, D.S. (not given)
Llewellyn, N.C. 109 Lovenia st.
Locket, W.R. Watauga Bldg
Murphy, G.W. 504 Gay st., S.
Parrott, J.C. (not given)
Payne, B.O. (not given)
Preston, G.S. Harris Bldg.
Reed, A.J. 300 1/2 Gay st. N.
Richards, W.P. 602 Chamberlain st.
Roth, C.A. 600 Atkin st.
Roth, W.F. 109 Broadway, S.
Rosenthal, D.A. 531 Gay st., S.
Sawyer, John Clinton, Tenn.
Sheen, W.C. 131 Jennings ave.
Shepard, J.H. 313 Vine ave, W.
Shults, A.F. (not given)
Smith, Jos. A. 311 Georgia st., N.
Starrett, J.M. 804 Eleanor st.
Stowe, L. Pleasant View, Ky.
Thomas, M.G. 425 Church Ave, W.
Tiller, J.P. Harris Bldg
Tipton, Q.A. Middlesboro, Ky
Teter, F.D. 312 Jacksboro st.
Trainum, C.A. 1122 Stewart st.
VanDeventer, H. Deaderick Bldg
Vaughn, W.A. Atlanta, Ga.
Walton, T.G. Memphis, Tenn.
Wood, A.R.. (not given)
Woodward, N.S. Castle ave.
Wright, W.D. Deaderick Bldg
Watts, Thos. J. Coal Creek, Tenn.
Membership:  90


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