Rev. Karl Kretzschmar
Rev. Karl Kretzschmar, the present Pastor, formerly of Hastings, Nebraska, was duly installed April 14th, 1918, by Rev. O. Graebner, of Chattanooga.
Pastor Kretzschmar is a man in the full prime and vigor of life, energetic, and with the conscious ability of a true church worker, incessant in his labors, equally versed in English and German, and a preacher of the utmost simplicity. He is also a splendid organizer and leader of young people. Not only has he always been actively interested in our local society but he has also entered enthusiastically into activities connected with the extension of the work of the young people in the South. In recognition of his ability as a leader, he was unanimously chosen president of the Southeastern Luther League, an organization of the Young Peoples' Societies of Tennessee and Alabama, which will soon form the nucleus of a Southern District of the Walther League.
Because of his many admirable qualities, pastor Kretzschmar has imbued the congregation with confidence, and it is with great enthusiasm that one and all join in the fiftieth anniversary of our dear church, and in the celebration of the preservation of the true Word of God which He in His mercy has retained in all its purity within our church for half a century.
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