Compiled and contributed by David Donahue
This is a very old cemetery on Westland Drive just east of Ebenezer Road. The cemetery includes the original site of Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. (Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church, which moved in 1860, still owns the cemetery.) This is the fenced cemetery on the west side of Victory Chapel Baptist Church (in the old Ebenezer Methodist Church building). A sign posted on the cemetery fence says that the Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church was founded in 1796. The cemetery probably was established at the same time. The cemetery was nearly full by around 1900, about which time the remaining open areas seem to have been sold as family plots. The corner stones and iron fences date from this period. Perhaps because this precluded new burials for many, the cemetery almost immediately fell out of favor and few burials were made after 1920, even within the claimed but mostly unused family plots. Many graves here are unmarked, being indicated only by sunken spots, fieldstones, or empty areas. Only about 20-25 percent of the total number of graves here have readable markers. Maintenance is limited to a periodic cutting of grass and trimming of weeds, but except for the sometimes tall grass the cemetery seems to be in good condition. The cemetery was fenced about 1986, at which time loose and fallen markers were uprighted and reinforced.
The following note was provided in 1989 correspondence concerning the cemetery from Mr. W. M. Sells, Church Administrator for Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church:
It is interesting to us as we have found out that many of the unmarked graves were those of "colored" people that were buried in the cemetery, some of whom were slaves of church members. In later years the black people buried there were related to their ancestors who had been buried there. |
This cemetery was recorded on March 4, 1989. The typed transcription was checked on April 9, 1989. Revisited January 20, 1997.
This cemetery was recorded earlier in 1964 by Roscoe C. d'Armand, Virginia d'Armand, and Glenn L. Loy. Their record appears in Miscellaneous Knox County Tombstone Inscriptions, Vol. 1, a manuscript in the McClung Collection of the Knox County Library, Knoxville, Tennessee. It was also recorded in 1956 by Ann J. Smith and Eldah Bell Amick. Their record appears in Knox County Cemetery Records, Vol. 2, a manuscript available in the McClung Collection of the Knox County Library. These earlier compilations were compared with the new listing; notes are included where appropriate. Most notes refer to the record of d'Armand et al. because of flaws in the Smith and Amick transcription, the worst of which is that their notes for this and the adjacent Ebenezer Methodist Church Cemetery were scrambled before or while their notes were being typed.
About 1940 burials resumed in a new area east of the Ebenezer Methodist Church building (see Ebenezer Methodist Church Cemetery).
Anderson, Elijah, 5/8/1921-12/11/1912 [replacement]
Anderson, Hannah E. [see Parsons, Hannah E.]
Anderson, Mary R., 1/16/1821-5/24/1909 [replacement; probable wife of Elijah Anderson; this death date was recorded from the new marker in 1997; death date recorded on original marker in 1989 was 5/24/1903]
Armstrong, Alice, 3/29/1820-8/14/1874, "Wife of J. L. Fulknerson and F. S. Heiskell" [replacement]
Bacon, Huston, 11/8/1887-5/13/1814
Baker, Newton, 3/7/1881-3/9/1898
Baker, Sarah B., 9/9/1819-5/16/1845, "Wife of Hervy Baker"
Baker, Sarah H., 4/11/1845-8/15/1845, "Daughter of H. & S. B. Baker"
Ball, M. E. Swann, 11/30/1847-____, "Wife of S. M. Ball" [She is on a triple rock with T. M. Swann and N. A. Swan, her brother and mother, respectively. d'Armand et al. note this to be Margaret E. Swan, daughter of Alexander Swan.]
Bargers, Sarah B., 8/6/1868-2/1/1871, "Infant daughter of R. N. & M. J. Bargers"
Bassett, Cassie Cobb, 4/30/1875-5/6/1946
Baxter, L. T., 5/15/1860-11/6/1915 [d'Armand et al. and Smith and Amick read I. T. Baxter]
Beal, Cora Reed, 8/14/1899-3/2/1923
Beal, Eunice, 1823-1895, "Wife of W. A. Beal" "Mother"
Beal, John A., 10/21/1856-7/31/1880, "Son of W. A. & E. Beal" "Husband of Mary B. Beal" (broken)
Beal, Hugh R., 4/1/1858-5/18/1930, "Son of Nancy & W. A. Beal"
Beal, Mary B., 5/22/1862-11/19/1949\Beal, Andrew S., 11/13/1861-2/18/1939
Beal, W. A., 1826-1898, "Father"
Bean, John, 9/19/1793-10/17/1877, "Our Father"; also military marker "Capt Fishbacks Co VA Arty War of 1812"
Bean, Dorothy E., 2/5/1897-12/10/1902, "Daughter of Isham & Lula Bean"
Bean, Gringefield, 8/9/1876-8/11/1876, "Son of John & Susan Bean"
Bean, Orlena, 7/29/1877-8/5/1877, "Daughter of John & S. Bean"
Bean, Samu'l A., d. 10/14/1871, "Aged 5 yrs 9 m & 3 ds" "Son of J. P. & S. S. Bean"
Bean, Sarah A., 12/22/1795-6/27/1875, "Wife of John Bean" "Our Mother"
Blakly, Elsie, d. 12/4/1906? (homemade, fallen, leaning against tree)
Bond, Eliza F., 4/19/1796-10/26/1868, "Wife of George Bond" [two separate stones for this individual]
Bond, Eliza F., 4/19/1796-10/26/1868\George, 10/21/1796-5/28/1891, also military marker "Pvt 1 Tenn. Vols. War of 1812"
Bond, J. A., 1823-1909, "Dr."
Bond, Lou [see Seaton, Lou Bond]
Bond, Mollie E., 1835-1919 [shared double marker with Lou Bond Seaton]
Border, Rouk, no dates
Bowman, Jennie McClellan, 9/18/1860-7/7/1900
Bowman, R. D., no dates, military marker "Co. C 6th Tenn. Inf."
Brooks, Monroe, 8/8/1868-11/4/1950 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964; Smith and Amick note this to be a temporary marker from Mann's Mortuary]
Brown, Eliza [see Heiskell, Eliza Brown]
Brown, Elizabeth, 11/6/1811-7/9/1880
Brown, Hugh, 12/4/1791?-9/24/1838?
Brown, Mary E. [see Walker, Mary E. Brown]
Brown, Theresa Berry, 2/3/1833-12/1/1872, "Daughter of Wm. & M. R. Walker" "Married Hardy R. Brown Sept. 14, 1871"
Burchfield, Eliza, 5/16/1808?-3/19/1884? (homemade) [The dates on this marker are very difficult to read. d'Armand et al. list them as 5/14/1908-3/14/1931. Smith and Amick list then as 5/14/1908-3/19/1934.]
Carter, Laura, d. 4/26/1924, "Age 45"
Casteel, Jennie, d. 7/2/1886, "Aged 21 Years" [This date is difficult to read. d'Armand et al. list 7/2/1883. Smith and Amick list 7/2/1889.]
Chumley, Edward Meek, 5/17/1874-1/6/1938 [replacement]
Cobb, Cassie [see Bassett, Cassie Cobb]
Cobb, Clarence, d. 1/16/1961 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964; probably from a temporary marker]
Cobb, M. George, 10/8/1869-3/24/1920, "Rev."
Coker, Eliza E. A., 12/2/1828-10/14/1861
Coker, F. N., 7/22/1843-____, "Father"\Coker, Susana, 7/19/1839-12/24/1910, "Wife of F. N. Coker" "Mother"
Coker, Mary E. [see Long, Mary E. Coker]
Coker, Martha Jane, 7/2/1850-3/9/1899 (broken)
Coker, Matthew P., 7/22/1839-8/3/1901
Coker, Nancy J., 2/15/1844-11/25/1926 [adjacent to marker for Matthew P. Coker]
Coker, Robert Paul, 7/26/1911-6/21/1912, "Son of W. F. & L. B. Coker"
Craig, Archimedes Tate, 6/6/1867-2/14/1941 [replacement]
Craig, Charlotte Zylpha, 8/8/1909-10/22/1910 [replacement]
Craig, Hugh M., 5/19/1819-4/6/1902\Mary A., 3/6/1816-9/16/1887
Craig, Lorrah V., 11/18/1860-4/28/1886
Craig, Lucinda Pernel, b. 9/8/1847, "Age 46 years"
Craig, Mary Rush, 2/25/1875-8/9/1915 [replacement]
Craig, Ralph Milton, 9/4/1911-1/21/1918 [replacement] [Note: the stones for Archimedes Tate Craig, Charlotte Zylpha Craig, Mary Rush Craig, and Ralph Milton Craig were within an enclosed lot]
Craig, Rebecca E., 6/21/1851-11/26/1900, "Widow of G. M. Swann" "Wife of M. F. Walker" "She loved her neighbors"
Currier, James Alexander, 9/19/1845-8/29/1848, "My son"
Currier, Martha, d. 11/15/1863, "Aged 94 Years" "My Mother" [adjacent to marker for William Currier]
Currier, W. L., no dates, military marker "Co. C 6th Tenn. Inf."
Currier, William, d. 8/10/1863, "Aged 88 Years" "My Father"
Doughty, Adelia A., d. 5/4/1906, "Aged about 69 years"
Dowell, Harrison C., 12/17/1844-9/11/1871 [d'Armand et al. and Smith and Amick both read this as "Harrison G. Dowell"]
Earilt[?], Lenora Jane, 8/27/1845-11/18/1854, "Daughter of W. & C. Earilr[?]"
Eldridge, Donal C., no dates\Eldridge, J. C., Jr., no dates (homemade)
Ellis, James M., 9/9/1869-10/17/1873
Ellis, Mary, 4/7/1883-6/21/1884 [death date could be 6/24/1884 or 6/27/1884]
Eubank, Ellen V., 3/20/1850-2/15/1916, "Wife of Sam Eubank" "Our Mother"
Eubank, Sam, 7/15/1843-12/5/1910
Eubanks, J. W., 11/14/1835-12/22/1909
Eubanks, Lucille, 11/30/1900-11/8/1903, "Daughter of J. H. & Ivorie Eubanks"
Farrow, Donald Eugene, 5/21/1950-11/25/1950, "Son of Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Farrow"
Fox, William McCamy, 11/7/1834-1/15/1910 [Masonic symbol]\Fox, Louise Ellen Nelson, 12/20/1846-1/20/1910, "Wife of W. M. Fox"
Fox, Willie Belle, 10/9/1882-8/7/1908 (homemade)
Fulknerson, Alice Armstrong, 3/29/1820-8/14/1874, "Wife of J. L. Fulknerson and F. S. Heiskell" [replacement]
Gamble, Robert, 1732-1812, military marker, "VA Militia Revolutionary War" [replacement marker; next to this is another stone, more a plaque than a grave marker, which reads "Robert Gamble served his country at Cherokee Expedition, Kings Mountain, Guilford Counthouse"; both markers are very recent]
Gheen, Walter Edward, 3/6/1901-3/16/1904
Gound, Wm. S., 1/11/1789-2/12/1858
Gravitt, Francis M., 12/15/1835-9/9/1907, "Soldier in Co. D. 6th Tenn. Infantry" (fallen)
Gray, Anna, 12/31/1805-5/7/1870, "Wife of Robert Gray" "Mother"
Gray, Jane, 9/3/1882-12/29/1882, "Daughter of Robert & Anna Gray" [headstone broken; "J.G." footstone still in place"]
Gray, John R., unreadable dates, "Inf. of Rob Gray" [dates recorded in 1964: 10/20/1850-6/15/1851]
Gray, Martha [see McClellan, Martha Gray]
Gray, Robert, 10/10/1797-4/29/1860, "Born in Co. of Antrim Ireland"
Hackney, Charlie, 3/26/1877-8/29/1877, "Son of H. F. & Lorinda Hackney"
Hackney, Lorinda, 1838-1877, "Wife of H. T. Hackney" (fallen) [A note by d'Armand et al. reads: Lorinda C. Lambert m. Henry T. Hackney, Sept. 29, 1859, Knox Co., Tenn."]
Haithcock, Mary M., 10/2/1871-11/2/1872, "Daughter of R. M. & M. L. Haithcock"
Hall, Annie, 8/10/1837-11/29/1907\Hall, Allen, 2/1/1825-9/13/1905
"Hall" only, no dates [footstone-like marker]
Hall, William B., 12/22/1857-9/10/1906 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964]
Hallia, Reginia, 7/27/1877-8/9/1877 (broken, out of place)
Harrelson, Elizabeth P., 8/16/1816-3/1/1843, "Wife of T. G. Harrelson"
Harrison, Martha Elizabeth, 7/20/1868-8/18/1873, "Daughter of William H. & Margaret G. Harrison"
Hart, William A., 10/26/1843-9/1/1915, "Father" footstone\Hart, Olivia T., 6/23/1848-2/11/1920, "Mother" footstone
Hawk, A., 9/7/1790-3/1/1851 [d'Armand et al. note him as Abraham]
Hawk, J. H., 3/9/1818-6/18/1852
Heiskell, Alice Armstrong, 3/29/1820-8/14/1874, "Wife of J. L. Fulknerson and F. S. Heiskell" [replacement]
Heiskell, Eliza Brown, 10/4/1798-11/10/1851, "Wife of F. S. Heiskell" "Mother"
Hickman, C. A. C., 1819-1890, "Father" footstone\Hickman, Lucinda, 1832-1888, "Mother" footstone
Hoffar, Mary R., 10/15/1808-5/7/1849, "Wife of W. A. Hoffar"
Hoffar, Matthew Walker, no dates, "Infant son of W. A. & M. R. Hoffar" "Aged 8 years, 11 months & 23 days"
Hoffar, Susan O., 8/25/1837-8/19/1846, "Daughter of W. A. & M. R. Hoffar"
Holt, Mildred, 11/18/1759-9/10/1838
Holt, Robert, 5/5/1750-6/2/1824
Houk, Nancy [see McClellan, Nancy Houk]
Humphrey, Harriet Luticia, 4/4/1877-1/3/1908, "Wife of Joseph Humphrey"
Johnson, ?????, 1/12/1854-8/22/1855, _____ of _____ E. & _____ Johnson" [broken fragment]
based on 1964 record:
Johnson, Hester Ann, 1/12/1854-8/22/1855, "Daughter of Robert E. & Jane Johnson"]
Joiner, Mattie E., 1832-1910, "Mother"\Joiner, George W., 1846-1893, "Father" [replacement?]
Jordan, Carrie, 1885-1917\Jordan, Thelma Mae, 1904-1917 [replacement; this seems to have been placed at the same time as the double rock for Sarah Ruth and Howard J. Scarbrough as the two are of the same style and only a few yards apart]
Jordan, Sarah, d. 1887, "Mother"\Jordan, J. F., d. 1913, "Father"
King, Margaret, 7/31/1825-2/11/1889, "Wife of Robert F. King"
King, Mary A., 7/19/1860-6/21/1865, "Daughter of Robert & Margaret King"
King, William M., 8/12/1855-11/6/1868, "Son of Robert & Margaret King"
Larue, Charlotte B., 8/21/1871-12/22/1907, "Wife of G. W. Larue"
Lee, M. D., no dates, military marker "Corpl. M. D. Lee Co. D. 6 Tenn Inf."
Lequire, Artie M., d. 6/2/1876, "Aged 39 yr 24 d" "Daughter of Joseph & Jane Lequire & wife of T. F. Medlen"
Long, Mary E. Coker, 12/22/1879-1/19/1925, "Wife of A. E. Long"
Luttrell, Ada H., 11/7/1859-1/1/1883\Luttrell, J. C., 4/8/1830-11/17/1901\Luttrell, Malinda L., 10/10/1834-4/8/1900
Maxwell, H. G., no dates, military marker "Co. D. 6 Tenn. Inf."
McCaughan, Thomas M., 1830-1864, military marker "Tennessee Pvt Co M 13 Regt Ill Cav Civil War" [replacement]
McCaughen, Jane, d. 8/13/1827, "Aged 2 years" "Daughter of John & Margaret Ann McCaughen"
McCaughin, Dennis, d. 10/24/1839, "In the 82nd year of his age" "A native of the Co. Antrim, Ireland"
McCaughin, Isabella, d. 9/19/1840, "In the 72nd year of her age" "Wife of Dennis McCaughin"
McClellan, Asro, 4/29/1863-1/2/1886
McClellan, Fred, 7/29/1895-5/20/1918 [this is the only marker in an enclosed area large enough for a dozen graves]
McClellan, Howard E., 2/7/1892-9/15/1947 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964]
McClellan, Jennie [see Bowman, Jennie McClellan]
McClellan, John, 8/15/1828-1/25/1862
McClellan, Martha Gray, 1/15/1796-1/3/1869, "Wife of Matthew McClellan" "Born in the Co. of Antrim, Ireland"
McClellan, Matthew, 7/1796-8/7/1869, "Born in Ireland Co. Derry"
McClellan, Matthew, Jr., 2/25/1839-9/25/1855
McClellan, Neil, 2/4/1836-10/6/1904, also a military marker for this grave which reads "Corpl. Neal McClellan Co. D. 6th Tenn. Infantry"\McClellan, Nancy Houk, 1/29/1843-5/28/1912
McClellan, Rose, 11/1/1871-9/13/1936, "Sister" [replacement]\McClellan, Joe, 9/23/1867-1/21/1941, "Brother"
Medlen, Artie M. Lequire, d. 6/2/1876, "Aged 39 yr 24 d" "Daughter of Joseph & Jane Lequire & wife of T. F. Medlen"
Medlen, Charles B., 6/10/1883-11/25/1884
Medlen, Chas. F., 5/2/1911-6/8/1911, "Son of H. F. & N. Z. Medlen"
Medlen, Johney, 11/22/1875-9/26/1876
Medlen, Thomas Frank, 12/25/1830-8/12/1908
Medlen, Robert Archimedes, 3/12/1882-8/30/1882 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964]
Medlen, Wm. J. Medlen, d. 12/30/1907, "Aged 70 Years"
Medlin, Lydia, 11/4/1843-5/24/1916, "Wife of W. M. Medlin" "Mother" [adjacent to marker for Wm. J. Medlen]
Mehane, Dave, d. 1/17/1958, "Aged 65 years" [not found in 1989; reported twice by d'Armand et al. in 1964; also listed as Davis Mebane, d. 1/17/1950; the 1958 date is more likely as this name does not appear in the Smith and Amick record of 1956; probably read from a temporary marker]
Miller, Alex, no dates\Miller, Dele, no dates (homemade)
Miller, Delia, d. 4/27/1923, "Mrs." (homemade)
Miller, Edward W., 1/5/1897-8/30/1968, "Rev."
Miller, Heanna Cobb, "Mrs.," d. 10/30/1954 [reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964; probably misreading of a temporary marker for Leanna C. Miller]
Miller, Leanna C., 7/9/1900-10/30/1954 [adjacent to marker for Edward W. Miller]
Miller, Rosa S., 1881-1954
Mirtz, Donald Overton, 3/12/1925-8/14/1994
Mitchum, Maggie, 2/2/1883-1/27/1951 (marker nearly buried)
Moore, Rosa, 2/18/1890-9/16/1916 (homemade)
Murphy, Frankie, d. 1870, "Wife of Major James A. Murphy" "Aged about 80 years"
Murphy, Theresa, d. 3/7/1901, "Aged about 70 years"
Nave, Alice California, 4/18/1856-9/16/1856, "Daughter of John H. & Margaret B. Nave"
Nave, John, d. 10/10/1857, "Aged 67 years"
Nave, Mary, d. 9/21/1856, "Aged 62 years" "Wife of John Nave"
Nave, Susan J., 6/30/1824-8/20/1844
Neill, William B., 5/20/1920-12/3/1987\Neill, Laura S., 11/17/1919-11/21/1994
Neill, William Brown, Jr., 5/20/1920-12/3/1987, military marker "US Army"
Note: What appears to be the cut stone wall of a family plot surrounding the Neill graves is the original foundation of the Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church building.
Nelson, Charlotte, 5/3/1810-1/3/1880, "Wife of David Nelson"
Nelson, David, 4/15/1811-12/12/1899, "Father"
Nelson, Houston D., 10/23/1841-1/28/1855 [d'Armand et al. and Smith and Amick give name as "Houston E. Nelson"]
Nelson, Joseph M., 3/11/1843-1/19/1884, "Our Brother" "Member of I. O. F. Knoxville"
Nelson, Louise Ellen [see Fox, Lousie Ellen Nelson]
Nelson, Mary E., d. 2/1/1852, "In the 15th year of her age"
Nelson, Margaret J., 9/5/1838-6/26/1909
Nipper, William M., 10/30/1870-8/7/1941
Parsons, Hannah E., 7/13/1845-1/28/1922, "Dau. of Elijah & Mary R. Anderson"
Peters, Elizabeth J., 12/15/1832-5/28/1922\Peters, Newton J., 10/28/1827-10/28/1899\Peters, Clara B., 5/7/1867-11/16/1881
Peters, Lucile Gertrude, 8/10/1894-8/15/1897, "Dau. of T. L. & Gertrude M. Peters"
Peters, Maggie Bee, 10/31/1891-6/21/1892, "Daughter of T. L. & Gertie M. Peters"
Peters, William D., 1863-1919
Porter, Bessie Virginia, 11/23/1896-1/16/1904, "Dau. of J. M. & Cora O. Porter"
Price, Wm., 8/11/1831-6/29/1905\Price, Martha J., 8/11/1835-12/30/1916 [the double rock for Wm. and Martha J. Price is the only marker in a fenced area]
Ramsey, Samuel Graham, 10/20/1771-7/5/1817 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964 as a grave marked by fieldstone; d'Armand et al.'s dates are from other sources. d'Armand et al. note that Rev. Samuel Graham Ramsey founded Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church.]
Reed, Cora [see Beal, Cora Reed]
Roberts, John H., 11/17/1851-5/20/1852, "Son of J. & S. Roberts"
Roberts, Sarah L., 10/10/1853-10/20/1854, "Infant daughter of Joshua & S. L. Roberts"
Rolston, Nancy B., 6/27/1812-7/13/1875
Roop, U. S., "Mrs.," d. 5/20/1934, "Age 36 Years, 20 Months & 24 Days" [Not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964, probably from a temporary marker. A temporary marker with an engraved aluminum plate covered securely with glass could have survived 30 years. This probably was not a permanent marker as Smith and Amick do not report this individual.]
Rowland, Arthur L., 6/13/1893-7/22/1893, "Son of Eli & Mary Rowland" [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964]
Rudder, Joel F., 10/15/1864-8/20/1873
Russell, Andrew, d. 9/22/1842, "Aged 78 years"
Russell, Mary, d. 10/11/1838, "Aged 25 Years" [This marker is difficult to read. d'Armand et al. list "Mary R. Russell," d. 10/14/1838. Smith and Amick list "Harry K. Russell," d. 10/11/1825.]
Sands, Mathewson, d. 11/11/1879 [date reported by d'Armand et al. as 11/1/1870]
Scarbrough, James, 3/1/1816-4/21/1896, "Father" footstone\Scarbrough, Ann H., 2/15/1842-3/3/1920, "Mother" footstone
Scarbrough, James Henry, 11/26/1918-6/20/1919, "Son of S. H. & M. J. Scarbrough"
Scarbrough, Sarah Ruth, 9/22/1903-2/11/1967, "Mother" footstone\Scarbrough, Howard J., 1/22/1908-8/17/1979, "Father" footstone
Scott, Hannah, 12/16/1845-7/25/1884
Seaton, Lou Bond, 1824-1903 [on a double rock with Mollie E. Bond]
Sterling, James, 4/11/1811-8/2/1889
Sterling, Robert A., 12/4/1842-3/11/1905\Sterling, Rachel L., 6/21/1842-4/22/1914
Stone, Ezekiel Price, 1826-1911 [replacement]
Stone, John, 1795-1881 [replacement]
Stone, Oliver Perry, 1821-1890 [replacement]
Stone, Susannah H., 1798-1870 [replacement]
Stone, Verlinda R., 1819-1894 [replacement] [The stones for Ezekiel Price Stone, John Stone, Oliver Perry Stone, Susannah H. Stone, and Verlinda R. Stone are within a fenced plot.]
Summey, Ellie Mae, 5/30/1910-5/27/1964 (homemade marker)
Swann, Elizabeth, d. 10/3/1838 [d'Armand et al. suggest that this might be Elizabeth Graham, wife of George Swan.]
Swann, George, d. 7/7/1832
Swann, James, 12/15/1830-10/14/1862, "Our Brother"
Swann, John, 1758-8/13/1804, "Born in Pennsylvania 1758 Died in Knox County Tennessee 13th August 1804 in the 46th year of his age" [d'Armand et al. note that John Swan gave the land for the church and cemetery.]
Swann, John, 8/26/1872-10/6/1872, "Infant son of J. N. & Mary A. Swan" [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964 who note "stone buried in ground"]
Swann, John McC., d. 4/3/1837 [d'Armand notes him to be son of George Swan.]
Swann, Margaret G., 1757-1/14/1815, "Born in the County of Derry Ireland 1757 and Died in Knox County Tennessee 14th January 1815 in the 58th year of her age"
Swann, Mary E., 1844-1917 [d'Armand notes this as Mary E. (Turner) Swan, wife of Samuel E. Swan.]
Swann, Rebecca E. Craig, 6/21/1851-11/26/1900, "Widow of G. M. Swann" "Wife of M. F. Walker" "She loved her neighbors"
Swann, Samuel E., 1831-1892 [replacement]
Swann, T. M., 9/10/1840-5/17/1901, "Brother" [d'Armand et al. notes this to be Thomas M. Swan, son of Alexander Swan.]\Swann, M. E., 11/30/1847-____, "Wife of S. M. Ball" [d'Armand et al. notes this to be Margaret E. Swan, daughter of Alexander Swan.]\Swann, N. A., 6/7/1811-7/7/1893, "Mother" [d'Armand et al. notes this to be Nancy W. O'Dell, wife of Alexander Swan"
Taylor, Josephine Steffey, 1/8/1857-7/7/1894, "Wife of A. L. Taylor" "Our Sister"
Tillery, John L., 10/6/1816-4/24/1896
Tillery, Isabel Parilee, 3/17/1854-8/16/1855, "Daughter of John and Mary Ann Elender Tillery"
Tillery, Mary Ann Elender, 11/25/1822-6/20/1856, "Wife of John Tillery" "Also her infant child"
Tillery, Mary Teresa, 7/8/1848-8/30/1852, "Daughter of John and Mary Tillery"
Tillery, Rebecca Maria, 12/26/1845-6/20/1852, "Daughter of John & Mary A. Tillery"
Tillery, S. A. B. Russell, 5/10/1825-6/14/1878, "Wife of J. L. Tillery"
Turner, Alexander, 11/14/1814-3/11/1858, "Our Father"
Turner, F. M., no dates, military marker "Co. C 6 Tenn. Inf."
Turner, Hannah A., 9/9/1809-6/20/1888, "Our Mother"
Turner, Nancy A., 12/31/1839-3/11/1911, "Wife of J. L. Turner"\Turner, James L., 7/27/1839-12/11/1921
Turner, Neil F., 8/31/1874-7/4/1902
Turner, Ruth E., 8/4/1913-8/7/1913
Varnell, Billy R., 12/10/1927-3/16/1940 [replacement; seems to have been placed at the same time as the adjacent rock for Donald Eugene Farrow; not listed by d'Armand et al. in 1964 or by Smith and Amick in 1956.]
Walker, J. B., 11/27/1816-9/6/1881
Walker, Jas. N., 7/29/1848-6/2/1856, "Son of Wm. & M. R. Walker"
Walker, Joe, 4/14/1890-7/4/1893, "Son of S. F. & Sallie Walker"
Walker, Josephus H., 1/10/1880-2/25/1884, "Son of J. A. & Kate Walker"
Walker, Margaret L., 7/17/1838-2/26/1865, "Daughter of Wm. & Margaret R. Walker"
Walker, Mary E. Brown, 3/15/1839-10/29/1905, "Wife of J. B. Walker"
Walker, Matthew, d. 3/9/1818, "In the 67th year of his age"
Walker, Nancy J., 6/23/1818-5/3/1878 [adjacent to marker for Thomas L. Walker]
Walker, Rebecca E. Craig, 6/21/1851-11/26/1900, "Widow of G. M. Swann" "Wife of M. F. Walker" "She loved her neighbors"
Walker, Theresa Berry, 2/3/1833-12/1/1872, "Daughter of Wm. & M. R. Walker" "Married Hardy R. Brown Sept. 14, 1871"
Walker, Thomas L., 8/14/1811-3/22/1883
Walker, Thomas L., 2/19/1874-7/28/1875, "Son of J. A. & Kate Walker"
Walker, W. T., 4/22/1852-4/9/1853, "Son of Wm. & M. R. Walker" [fallen]
Walker, William, 7/3/1805-11/23/1882, "Father"\Walker, Margarett R., 9/25/1812-2/17/1910, "His Wife" "Mother"
Walker, William T., 3/22/1852-4/19/1853, "Son of William & M. R. Walker" [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964]
Wallace, Frank, 9/6/1907-9/8/1911 (homemade)
Webb, Nathaniel, d. 8/17/1950, "Age 77" "Servant of the Prater family"
Wells, Sarah G., 12/31/1859-2/25/1860, "Daughter of A. Y. & M. A. Wells"
Wenton, Eliza, d. 7/9/1960, "Aged 89 years, 10 months & 13 days" [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964; probably taken from a temporary marker]
West, John W., 12/20/1888-2/3/1928\West, Sallie, 1/25/1887-____ [she is buried here; death date recorded by d'Armand et al. as 12/22/1957, probably from a temporary marker]
Wilkerson, Hazel Estella, 9/4/1897-6/12/1898
Wilkerson, Mollie, 10/13/1881-8/20/1909
Wilkerson, Ross, 7/24/1889-6/25/1905, "Son of J. F. & Martha Wilkerson"
Wilkerson, Sallie E., 9/18/1883-3/15/1920 [replacement]
Williams, Charles, 8/10/1896-4/14/1929
Williams, Fannie S., 1870-1949
Wright, Willie, 8/5/1857-12/11/1864, "Son of N. & M. Wright"
The following individual was recorded by d'Armand et al. in 1964. Because their record includes both the Ebenezer Cemetery and the nearby Ebenezer Methodist Church Cemetery, it is not possible to say for sure in which of the two cemeteries this individual is buried.
Muckle, Henry, d. 12/23/1959 [not found in 1989; reported by d'Armand et al. in 1964; probably from a temporary marker]