Sketches Of

Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers


  (pages 96-97)

Hugh Caldwell was born near Knoxville, Tennessee, January 20, 1827, and died at Bayless, Tennessee, June 5, 1906. He was twice married. His first marriage was to Miss Polly Bayless, who died in 1876. In 1879 he was married to Miss Minerva Hoskins, who preceded him to the better country about the year 1900. He began his ministry soon after the Civil War, and was a preacher of righteousness and of the faith and practices of Baptists about forty years. The churches be served most as pastor were Bethel, Oak Grove, Zion Hill, Texas Valley, Milan, and Bethany. Several years before he died Bethany called him as pastor for life, and here is where he was buried. He was Moderator of the Northern Association for a number of years. At the division of this body and the formation of the Midland Association he became Moderator of the new body. He was a good parliamentarian and a graceful presiding officer, but he preferred the privileges of the floor to the responsibilities of the Moderator's chair. "He was at home in discussions on vital questions of doctrine, church polity, discipline, and order in God's house." In a note of "sundry things" to the Baptist and Reflector (October 27, 1898), signed "J. J. B.," is the following: "The Midland Association was an enjoyable meeting. Its fifth annual session was held with the Fairview Church. It is a small body, representing about fifteen churches, but has some good material. Elder H. Caldwell is the venerable Moderator, and Brother J. B. Carden is clerk. The veterans present were Elders Bradford Demarcus, W. L. Smith and H. Caldwell. These brethren have fought and wrought well for the Master for many years." These men of God have all gone to their heavenly home, and are doubtless enjoying their exceeding great reward in the Master's immediate presence.

Elder Caldwell left a number of children and grandchildren to mourn his passing, notably a son, M. F. Caldwell, Esq., formerly of the Knoxville bar, a friend of the writer's and correspondent for one of our Baptist papers, but is now somewhere in the West.


Burnett, J .J.  Sketches of  Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers.  Nashville, Tenn.:  Press of Marshall & Bruce Company, 1919.


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