Excerpts  from

"Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: 

Knox County, Knoxville"

The Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Work Projects Administration





Boards, Publications & Institutions:

Name & Location (as of 1941) Name of Executive (as of 1941)

The General Council of Congregational and Christian Churches
287 Fourth Ave.
New York, New York

William E. Sweet, Moderator

Tennessee Conference of Congregational and Christian Churches Rev. Marshall Wingfield, Moderator


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive (1941)
Defunct First Church
430 Atkin St.
1869-97 Rev. J. Francis Davis
Defunct Pilgrim Church
623 W. Vine Ave
1886-1913 Rev. Benjamin A. Williams
Defunct Second Church (Col.)
627 E. Vine Ave.
1883-1928 Rev. Oscar H. McGowan


Status (1941) Name & Location of
Church or Institution
Date Organized Name of Pastor or Executive (1941)
Defunct Slater Training School (Col.)
Patton St. and Payne Ave.
1885-1911 Ida Hubbard,  Principal


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